May 17, 2017
Huskies Argue Over Who Made Mess

There’s a reason many couples opt to get a dog before having kids. Sometimes the parallels are just too much.
Take these two Huskies for example:
Dakota and Phoenix’s dad came home to find a bit of a mess involving an important piece of mail torn up and strewn about the hallway.
Instead of taking responsibility or pulling the guilty-dog look, the two immediately start blaming it on each other, howling away and pointing paws hoping the other will get in trouble.
After dad calms them down and starts a real interrogation, it’s clear each of them is guilty, but the pointing of fingers is both hilarious and adorable.
Check out the video below!
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March 14, 2017
Husky Picks Out Her Own Kitten From Shelter

When Raven–a Husky dog–seemed a little lonely, her owner Christina found the perfect solution: to let Raven pick out her own new furry best friend!
According to an interview with The Dodo, Raven’s human mom Christina said, “I always wanted a dog and a cat to grow up together. It’s kind of been a life goal. So I wanted [Raven] to actually meet the cat and have the cat get along with the dog as well.”
A number of kittens were put in front of Raven, but Woodhouse was the only one that interested her, and Raven got to bring her home. Since then, the two have become best friends, taking naps, playing and spending all of their time together.
Christina noted that the two “Are perfect with each other…They’re always together, always playing together.”
Images via The Dodo
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July 3, 2016
10 Reasons You Have to Love Huskies

They’re ridiculously majestic
Not to mention photogenic
And so, so cute
They make great family dogs
Or great adventuring buddies
Cause really they’re up for anything
Rain (snow)
Or shine
Or just staying in and relaxing
They’ll never leave your side
Check it Out!
April 9, 2016
13 of the Goofiest Huskies Out There

This guy who’s just really, really excited to play
This squish master
This crazy guy who’s a big fan of windows
This nurturing mother (of stuffed animals)
This poor soul who clearly will never unsee whatever he just saw
This pretty pupper who just couldn’t get enough of the grass
This young man who has no time for such foolishness
This coffee enthusiast
Smol blep
She really really really really loves snow…
This pup who is all of us at family reunions.
This dude who’s just, he’s just chillin, y’know?
Check it Out!
March 28, 2016
10 Signs You’re a Crazy Husky Person

You know that they’re all secretly princesses
But also sort of big babies
And also the most beautiful dogs around
This photo is your definition of squad goals
You celebrate the holidays with them
And take them everywhere with you
Especially on adventures
Because really, there’s no breed more hardcore
Or goofier
Then again, maybe they get that from their parents
Check it Out!
February 28, 2016
10 Signs You Love Your Husky… Too Much

They’re constantly covered in kisses. Even if that means sacrificing your perfect lipstick.
You don’t even mind when they interrupt your yoga. You just turn it into more playtime
Birthday celebrations are a must
Making sure they stay dry in wet weather is your number one priority
They’re your one and only valentine
Meaning they deserve lots of flowers
You think they’re cooler than you, and you’re okay with it
If they want some time in the hammock, well, it’s their hammock now.
You wouldn’t dream of going on an adventure without them
Because at the end of the day, you know they’re your best friend
Check it Out!
January 5, 2016
15 Things Only Husky Parents Understand!

1. Huskies often have bright blue eyes, adding about 500 points to their cuteness scores.
Monday again … Photo by @thunder.the.husky Are you sick of seeing the same
accounts and photos get featured over and over on other feature pages? We strive to
feature never before seen pics of loveable, adorable huskies from accounts all over
Instagram – NOT just the popular ones! ? Use hashtag #ilovehuskies_features for a
chance to be featured #husky #siberianhusky #huskies #siberian
(@huskyfeatures_) on
2. Husky puppies are even higher on the cuteness scale!
#huskies are the cutest! #dog #dogs #doggy #doggie #doglover #dogsofinstagram #nationaldogday #instadog #dogstagram #dogoftheday #ilovemydog #doglovers #dogsitting #mydog #puppy #puppies #puppylove #pup #puppiesofinstagram #cat #cats #cute #rescue #rescuedog #husky #huskiesofinstagram #snow #baby #cute #socute A photo posted by Awesome Dogs Of Instagram (@awesome.dogs.of.ig) on
3. Huskies are known for their bravery and sense of adventure.
better at scaling down these rocks then Mom and Dad ??- Check out my
pawtners ?@peteethehusky ?@corathehusky ?@north_yuki? #husky #huskypuppy
#huskiesofinstagram #huskies #dogsofinstagram #justhuskies #features4huskies
#thehuskylove_feature #thehuskylove #huskiesreq #mydogiscutest #instadog
#huskyphotography #my_husky #siberianhusky #dog #huskygram #doglads
#totallypawsomepups #ilovehuskies_features #huskypup #allthingshusky
#aplacetolovedogs #barkpack #bestwoof #dog_features #dailyfluff #topdogphoto
#campingwithdogs #hikingwithdogs
4. Look at Nikita – she’s down for anything!
Loving the new hiking pack my mommy and daddy got me! #nikita #shadow #twosibes #siberianhusky #mcboss #husky #sibe #snowdog #huskyofinstagram #rescuingsaveslives #siberian #husky #snowdog #huskyofinstagram #siberian #cutedog #aroo #huskyphotography #allthingshusky #huskies #cute #puppy #huskypuppy #dogsofunstagram #dogstagram #dogsrock #huskypics #huskylife #huskynation #sleddog #onlyhuskypics #shadow #mcboss #shadowthehusky A photo posted by Shadow and Nikita (@two_sibes) on
6. This pup will even babysit for you!
#boyandhisdog #huskies #sharingiscaring #huskiesofinstagram #kidsofinstagram
A photo posted by Chelsea Van der Walt (@chels_vdw) on
7. One thing moms and dads of Huskies definitely know is how silly their dogs can be!
Dogs just wanna have fun! ? #husky #huskies #huskiesofinstagram #huskylove #siberianhusky #dogsofinstagram #dog #dogs @officialhuskylovers @huskyfeatures_ A photo posted by Tai The Husky (@tai_bua_husky) on
8. This breed will keep parents entertained for hours on end!
9. Huskies definitely like to run in packs, it’s part of their love for team work.
Instagirls for life! #dogsofinstagram #dogstagram #redhuskynation #redhuskylove #redhusky #husky #huskies #huskiesreq #huskiesofinstagram #siberianhusky #siberianhuskies #siberianhuskiesofinstagram #huskygram #huskylove #huskypage #huskysnow #allthingshusky #itsahuskything A photo posted by Athena (@athenatheredhusky) on
10. Remember, the pack mentality is part of a Husky’s genealogy.
A photo posted by Husky (@huskies) on
11. But even though they’re cousins of the wolves, Huskies are still super fun and playful.
Playing with Bunny ?? #Otis #OtiePotie #Husky #HuskyGram #Huskies #Pets #PetsCorner #Pet #PetsOfInstagram #pets_of_instagram #Dogs #Doggies #Animals #Animal #Love #PlayTime # A photo posted by Otis (@otiepotie) on 10:27pm PST
12. Titan even goes the extra mile to show that he’s a gentle yet loyal friend.
Mom you said do the lights..but they always get tangled ? #TitansFirstChristmas #TitansFirstBirthday
A photo posted by Titan? (@_titanthehusky) on
13. Most of all, Husky parents love their pets because they’re always by their side.
#huskylove #naptime #huskies #siberianhusky #hammocktime #hammock #snuggles #snugglesesh #husky #hammocklife A photo posted by @whosagoodboyy on PST
15. After all, Huskies – and all dogs – are man’s best friend.
¿Cansado tan pronto? #siberianhusky #husky #huskypuppy #huskies #huskylove #dog #huskygram #cute #instadog #winter #instahusky #puppy #hyskilove #love #likes #love_husky A photo posted by Alex Chaviedo (@odeivahc) on
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December 2, 2015
The 12 Stereotypical Dogs Everybody Sees at the Dog Park!

The sisters waiting near the gate, gleefully waiting for their mom to give them the go-ahead to run.
The super-strong dog that runs around with a huge stick, almost trying to show off.
The totes adorable Corgi puppy that every single owner melts over, and every single dog tramples over.
The inevitable three-way tug-of-war session.
Rottweiler brothers that are just a bit too chill.
Ignore any faces like this guy’s and walk away slowly…
“Sure, you’re bigger than me, but I am the one holding this stick!”
The two buddy dogs that cannot wait to play.
The token Jack Russell Terrier.
Warm weather always brings the “dogs under the benches” well, under the benches.
Don’t miss the pals that like to take a little rest from the action together.
And finally, all of the dogs who want to play!
Check it Out!
November 16, 2015
Case of the Mondays? These 13 Dogs Feel Your Pain!

1. After snoozing the alarm clock 3 times, and being forced to decide if you can get away with it just one more time.
2. Monday has its very own, unique getting-out-of-bed routine.
3. Wasn’t it just Sunday like, 2 minutes ago?
4. How you want to look at people who can be so chipper on a Monday morning. What’s wrong with you?
5. Waiting for that first cup of coffee to brew can take foorreeevveeerrr.
6. “Good Morning? … GOOD MORNING?! What’s so good about it?”
7. Calling in sleepy…um, I mean sick.
8. Thinking about all the awesome, sometimes questionable things you did over the weekend.
9. When you try really hard to look happy that you’re awake and where you are.
10. Sometimes you just have to work from home … especially on Mondays.
11. Getting home after a long Monday and feeling proud you made it through.
12. When your whole crew hates Monday as much as you do.
13. Monday, in a nutshell.
Check it Out!
October 30, 2015
Top 10 Halloween Hound Getups!

Your dog loves Halloween as much as you do. Getting dressed up in a costume? Posing for pictures while everyone laughs and high fives their human friend? They love it.
While that may not be entirely true, your dog can’t vocally tell you otherwise, so we suggest you continue dressing your dog in the most creative, hilarious ways possible on October 31st.
The urge to do a countdown is too large… so we scoured Instagram to find the most amazing, absurd and creative costumes people have graced their four legged friends with.
Top 10 Hound Halloween Getups
#10 : When the tail-wagger in your life is dressed up as a super-hero – he plays the part & embraces the role… making Batman an obvious contender.
#9 : When you’re able to make the best of a rotten situation on Halloween, you grab that opportunity. He’s not impressed… but if he only knew just how clever it is, he’d probably have a change of heart.
#8 : Cheap, creative and comfortable. What more could a dog want?
#7 : “I feel pretty…oh, so pretty.” Patience and beauty give this hound a deserved spot on our list.
#6: If you, as a dog are able to make the appropriate sound to accompany the costume – we’re impressed.
#5: When a Husky pulls off a hot dog costume better than a wiener dog, it should be acknowledged.
#4: We’re not sure how this Boxer’s human parents convinced them to keep this pig nose on his face, but we love it.
#3: We triple dog dare you to find a better looking Lion-Dog.
#2: Creativity, effort and natural ability to pull it off earned Waldo major bonus points!
#1: A dog skeleton!? Homemade!? They doesn’t even know they’re in costume?! Without a doubt – this had to top the list at number one for creativity and comfort.
There you have it, Bullymake’s Top 10 Hound Halloween Getups!
And don’t forget to spoil your pooch this Howl-O-Ween too! [See below].