This guy who’s just really, really excited to play

A photo posted by Logan (@logan_the_goofy_husky) on


This squish master


This crazy guy who’s a big fan of windows

A photo posted by Melanie Potter (@millpottmel4) on


This nurturing mother (of stuffed animals)

A photo posted by Meghan McBurney (@mmcburney3) on


This poor soul who clearly will never unsee whatever he just saw


This pretty pupper who just couldn’t get enough of the grass


This young man who has no time for such foolishness

A photo posted by Griffey (@griffeythehusky) on


This coffee enthusiast

A photo posted by @drizztsy on




Smol blep

A photo posted by @thelifeofpablo22 on


She really really really really loves snow…

A photo posted by mackie_mac (@mackie_mac) on


This pup who is all of us at family reunions.

A photo posted by Oscar (@oscarortr) on


This dude who’s just, he’s just chillin, y’know?

A photo posted by @airmejia on


Check it Out!