They’re constantly covered in kisses. Even if that means sacrificing your perfect lipstick.


You don’t even mind when they interrupt your yoga. You just turn it into more playtime

A photo posted by Skye (@skye_thehuskymix) on


Birthday celebrations are a must

A photo posted by Caspray (@cas_pray) on


Making sure they stay dry in wet weather is your number one priority

A photo posted by Nate D (@ncd09) on


They’re your one and only valentine


Meaning they deserve lots of flowers


You think they’re cooler than you, and you’re okay with it

A photo posted by Coby (@cobythehusky) on


If they want some time in the hammock, well, it’s their hammock now.

A photo posted by Yung Kazu (@yungkazu) on


You wouldn’t dream of going on an adventure without them


Because at the end of the day, you know they’re your best friend

A photo posted by Garret McCall (@gjammin) on


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