1. “The aaaaaaiiiiirrrrrrr…. Dis fresh air so nice.”

A photo posted by Debbie Eberly (@goldfish8812) on

2. “Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? He touched me…. Are we there yet?”

3. “Hey kid, smile now…but just so you know…I always ride shotgun.  Always.”

4. “I already know what you’re going to say….”LET’S GOOOOOO!”

A video posted by Elyse Pedersen (@elyse_reno) on

5. “We both fit! Isn’t that exciting?!”

A photo posted by Kelly (@kelly1313) on

6. “Take a picture of me!  #Sunroof #DoggyRoyalty #JustMeInMyWhip”

A photo posted by Kelsey (@3_boxer_babies) on

7. “Please turn in, please turn in….PLEEEAAASE turn… Oh god.  Please.”

A photo posted by Melissa (@mishkask8) on

8. “I’m not sure what the hype is… wake me up when we get there.”

A photo posted by Jenner (@callmejennerthedog) on

9. “Do you see how happy he is? I mean…yeah I’m happy to be going for a ride…but…not as happy as him, I guess.”

10. “Hey human…can we walk down here later – I want to smell that pole.  Like, I REALLY want to smell it.”

11. “Why iz da ground moving so fast? I confused.”

12. “This is great. This is great. This is great. This is great. This is great!”

13. “I love when the top goes down and I can wave my golden locks in the breeze. Ahhhh yes.”

14. “These riding goggles fit me perfectly.”


A photo posted by Dana Gaiser (@richeboured) on


15. “I don’t get it. The biggest one should get the front seat – that’s how it’s always been.“Share”…the human said. Ugh.”

A photo posted by Kelsey (@3_boxer_babies) on

16. “If you don’t roll the window down… then I WILL”

A video posted by Dannyel (@mynxibaby) on

17. “Wait? We’re going where?! I thought this was a post about happy rides. WTF?!”

A photo posted by @hey_kelss on


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