Sometimes with dogs one isn’t enough. For Lya Battle, there can never be enough.

Battle, who lives in Costa Rica, first decided to rescue dogs when visiting a shelter to buy food for her dog and saved a pup who was about to be put down.

According to The Dodo, the dog, named Diego was given to Battle who was told he wouldn’t survive much longer. Battle took Diego home who then lived four more happy years. From that point, it was her goal to save as many dogs as she could, seeing that Costa Rica doesn’t have a good infrastructure for rescues.

Battle, who had just inherited a farm of about 150-acres, took it upon herself to create a place where dogs could be safe and free.

Battle and her husband named the farm “Territorio de Zaguates” which means “Land of the Mutts,” and declared it a no-kill sanctuary for all dogs who need saving.

The dogs are supervised at all times and several are adopted each week.

“No matter how hard it’s been, it’s always been worthwhile,” Battle told The Dodo. “If something is terribly difficult, and it takes all you have — both materially and emotionally — but you still do it, that’s because you’ve found what really calls to you.”


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