Surprising loved ones with a beautiful bouquet of flowers has been a long standing tradition amongst the more romantic types in our world. Naturally when a woman named Debbie Cardone had flowers delivered to her home, she assumed they were from her husband for her. It appears however, that she was mistaken.

“I thought they were for me at first, and then I read the card,” Cardone told website The Dodo. Her name wasn’t who the flowers were addressed to.

As it turns out they were for the couple’s beloved bulldog Sebastian.

husband sends dog flowers


This lucky pup seemed to appreciate the gesture, as he was still in recovery from having both of his knees operated on recently. Debbie’s husband works overseas, so he decided to send flowers along with words of encouragement.


husband sends dog flowers


While she probably would have preferred the flowers to be for her, she had to admit. It was pretty cute.