Well they have to sit somewhere

A photo posted by Kellye Cates (@kellcates) on


SO it may as well be your lap

A photo posted by Alex Benson (@benson.821) on


Regardless of how comfortable it is for you

A photo posted by Jackie Kreidell (@jkreidell) on


Even if they’re bigger than you

A photo posted by Makayla (@coco_brewer_17) on


Or if they double team you

A photo posted by Tanya Reynolds (@comptonmom2) on


You’ve just gotta embrace it

A photo posted by Megan Dunn (@shut_up_meg__) on


It makes them happy

A photo posted by Erin (@onebizarreme_cosplay) on

And it probably makes you happy too

A photo posted by Randi Vanderwerff (@rkvander) on


Plus, they do it out of love


And where would we be without the love of man’s best friend?

A photo posted by Trina (@crookedtailtrina) on


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