If you’ve ever felt like your pups were better than your human friends, you’re not wrong. Science will back you up! A new study shows that our canine companions are better company than out human counterparts.

A story on Shareably compiled the following survey-based facts:

Over 1/4 of pet parents believe that their pets are more accepted within their families than their partners.

61% of pet parents would end a relationship for their pet and more than half of the participants would trust their dog’s judgment before their mother’s.

Over 1/4 of participants have brought their dogs on a date and 85% of pet parents are more likely to “swipe right” on a photo that included a dog.

Over 1/4 of pet parents have planned a special date for themselves and their pet.

95% of dog owners would rather spend the night at home cuddling with their dog than on a blind date.

56% of pet parents prefer to share the bed with their pet AND their partners, rather than just their partners.

Almost 70% of participants admitted that they would sacrifice alone time with their significant others for their pets.

45% of pet parents spend more money on their pet than their partner every month.

87% of pet parents would get their pet a Valentine’s Day gift.

Staggering numbers! No doubt we love our pets, and with good reason!


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