Stories like Poppy’s, a young dog from Botswana, should be inspiring to all. After sustaining an unknown injury to her spine at a young age, she was left paralyzed to die in the middle of nowhere.

Yet Poppy persevered. Out in the wilds, she crawled with her front legs only past elephant, lions and hyenas in order to make it back to civilization, according to a story in The Dodo.

Poppy found herself eventually in a research camp for elephants where Susanne Vogel found the poor pup wandering into their facilities.

“She came crawling — literally crawling, because her back legs were completely immobilized — into our research camp,” Vogel told The Dodo. “She was unable to walk, but full of love and seeking help.”

According to Vogel’s recollection, the nearest veterinarian hospital was an eight-mile drive from their research site, but they managed to help Poppy and bring her there for help.

“The camp is in a remote region, filled with elephants, but also lions, hyenas and other predators,” Vogel said. “Poppy had somehow made it to us, emaciated and soaking wet from the rain.”

The vet performed life-saving surgery on Poppy, who now is staying with her research pals in Bostwana, and her story reminds us every day that no matter how hard things get, you can never give up.

Images via Amanda Stronza 


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