In 2008, a sweet 10 month old dog named Nora was rescued from deplorable conditions in a backyard breeding operation in Canada. Not only was she severely emaciated, she was also pregnant.

But with the help of her rescuers, Funds For Furry Friends, she was able to give birth to her puppies in a safe and caring environment, only two days after her escape.

Once her and her four puppies were strong enough, they were all put up for adoption and found loving forever homes. Nora especially found her people, fitting in perfectly to a family of five, bonding especially with the three children of her

Looking for a dog, ELizabeth Spence and her husband arranged to meet with Nora at her foster home, and immediately fell in love. Though she still showed signs of the trauma she endured, she bonded with the family quickly, especially the couple’s three young children.

Spence had no reason to believe Nora would ever see one of her puppies again, but received a call last year that changed the game. A family who had adopted one of Nora’s daughter’s could not longer keep her, and wanted to know if the Spence’s could take her in. Nora’s daughter, Remi, lived on a farm six hours aways, but her owners drove all the way to meet Nora and her owners in Winnipeg. And if there was any doubt that the Spences would take her in, Remi and Nora made it clear pretty almost immediately.


The two started playing as if they hadn’t spent a minute away from each other. And now they’ll never have to.




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