About 5 years ago, an 11 year old Chihuahua named MoMo was rescued from Tiny Loving Canines Rescue in California by Julie Docherty. She immediately fell in love with the little guy, and even though he had been surrendered to a high-kill shelter a horrendous condition, he helped Julie as much as she helped him.


“My first senior adoption was a happy accident,” Docherty told website The Dodo. “I discovered MoMo, fell in love with him, and we bonded over his rehabilitation and care. I came to realize then how heartbreakingly overlooked this large category of shelter dogs are, and how ideal senior adoption was for me.”


Eventually their happy family got some new members, Choli Churro, Paloma Linda and Benito, all senior chihuhuas like MoMo, and most recently, a tiny kitten named Rosita!


Even though the group is a little unusual, they all get along perfectly, eating, sleeping, and everything-in-betweening with each other!

You can follow their adventures on Instagram at @jemandthemisfits!





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