Recently this photo of a husky stuck in a coconut tree was posted on the internet.

Who could ever be sure how exactly this happened

Who could ever be sure how exactly this happened

And, as tends to happen with goofy photos, this poor lil pup became the victim (or star?) of some pretty funky editing jobs. Here are some of the best


A la Miley Cyrus

The photoshop experts of the internet certainly came in like wrecking balls on this one


A Noble Steed

Little known fact: huskies can use other huskies for all their transportation needs



Even better, the huskies can just join forces and make us humans do all the work


A fun day at the carnival

Who knew this little puppy was such an accomplished horeseback rider


Husky Pupper

Everyone’s favorite quidditch star


Feelin spooky

I wonder if he still has a black cat


A strongmanhusky

Do you even lift, bro?


Livin’ in the moment

He’s a real thrill seeker


Gotta earn them dolla billz

But a hard worker, too


We ride at dawn

You know you’ve hit the peak of internet fame when you’re photoshopped in with Putin






Check it Out!