Every dog seems to have its own lovable little quirks, but Huckleberry’s are a little “higher” up than most. Huckleberry, a Golden Retriever from Austin, Texas spends his days relaxing on top his family’s roof.

After a number of neighbors and joggers posted their fascination with Huck, the pooch went viral and now has nearly 30,000 followers in Instagram!

Huck’s owner Allie Lindenmuth told CBS News, “He likes to sit up there and watch the cars and passersby. He loves to say hello!”

According to CBS News, when Lindenmuth and her husband moved into their current home in Austin about three years ago, they noticed how easy it was to access the roof and wondered if Huck would figure it out.

It didn’t take long.

Within six months the pup was climbing up to watch the world on a regular basis.

Naturally, a dog on a roof might normally be a cause for concern, so Lindenmuth and her husband have put up signs letting passersby know that it’s where Huck wants to be.

“We are thrilled with the joy this has brought to lots of people,” Lindenmuth told CBS News. “We’ve definitely noticed a little bit more pep in Huck’s step since this all started.”

Images via Twitter/@StarstrickenSF


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