Recently, a police officer in Novo Horizonte, Brazil, spotted a neighbor’s dog rummaging through some trash, not a particularly unusual scene. However the afternoon took a turn when the officer returned home, finding the dog with something in her mouth.

Initially the officer thought the dog had found a dead kitten, but the truth was so much sweeter. This incredible dog had actually rescued a puppy who miraculously had survived her brief stint in the trash.


The canine savior started whining when the puppy was taken, so she was allowed to watch over him as the officer contacted a local animal rescuer, Marco Antonio Rodrigues, for help. Even though this dog saved the puppy’s life, another dog would be needed to help the tiny thing grow up strong.


dog looks over puppy rescued from trash bag


Since the dog who had found the puppy wasn’t producing milk, an appeal was made on facebook to find a nursing dog to take the puppy in.

That’s when the little thing found her foster mom

Unfortunately the person who did this will probably never see justice, but for now we can rest easy, knowing this puppy is on her way to living her best life.




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