Indulging your dog in a few table scraps is always hard to resist, especially on a food oriented holiday like Thanksgiving. Here’s a comprehensive guide to all the classic thanksgiving dishes, and which you can and can’t give your dogs



This may seem obvious, but just to put everyone’s minds at ease, yes. Turkey is absolutely safe for your dog to eat. Just be sure not to give them pieces with skin or fat.


Green beans-MAYBE

Plain old boiled green beans can make a nutritious and yummy snack for your dog, but try to avoid giving them green bean casserole, which can be loaded with ingredients your dog is better off without


Mashed Potatoes-NO

While there’s nothing particularly harmful in potatoes, they’re full of empty carbs that your dog doesn’t need. And when they’re heavy on butter, gravy, sour cream, or any other



Many different stuffing recipes contain things like mushrooms, onions, sage, leeks, chives, garlic, scallions all of which can be toxic to dogs


Cranberry sauce-NO

Yes, it’s delicious, and yes, cranberries in and of themselves aren’t particularly toxic. But the average cranberry sauce contains way too much sugar than your dog is likely to handle.


Pumpkin Pie-NO, but…

While you shouldn’t serve your dog a slice of pumpkin pie smothered in whipped cream, you can give your dog a spoonful of pumpkin puree, which is not only a tasty treat, but an extremely healthy one too!


Happy Paw-lidays!




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