Tragedy is everywhere in this world, and heartbreak affects us all–even our canine companions. So when Daisy, a Golden Retriever from Roseburg, Oregon, lost her litter of puppies to a barn fire, she was heartbroken and grieving for weeks.

According to a story in Buzzfeed News, owner Jessica Woodruff stated that Daisy lost her pups just three weeks after giving birth.

“We tried to run to the barn,” she said. “But it was too late. We had to hold Daisy as she tried to run into it.”

In the following weeks, Daisy just wasn’t the same.

“My heart broke for this new mom,” said Woodruff. “[She] wasn’t really eating…just walking down to the barn whining.”

But sometimes, even amid tragedy, beauty can happen…

Woodruff put out a post on Facebook asking for anyone who has puppies that need to be fostered, and was soon put in contact with Lorna Murphy.

Murphy’s dog Chloe died a short while after giving birth to her litter of eight puppies, leaving them orphaned.

According to Buzzfeed, Woodruff called the situation “fate.”

Daisy met the litter and the puppies took right to being nursed and taken care of by her. And Daisy has been pleased since. While the arrangement is only until the litter has grown mature enough, the universe has worked its magic. Daisy has puppies–the puppies have a mom.

Images via Buzzfeed, credit Jessica Woodruff 



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