One of the most common misconceptions about dogs like Dobermans is that they’re vicious animals. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, Dobermans are some of the most loyal dogs you can find. The following story is no exception:

An Australian family, looking to add some canine love to the mix, brought home a Doberman and named him Khan. The dog seemed to fit in well with the group and took a particular liking to the young child in the family.

According to a story in Buzz Flare, the dog was left alone outside with the child one day supervised from afar by her mother. When it seemed as though Khan was getting vicious, the mother ran outside, seeing Khan grab hold of the child and throw her across the yard–but upon further inspection, Khan was saving the child from a venomous snake.

Khan fought off the snake but was bitten and had to be rushed to the nearest emergency vet to be given anti-venom. Had Khan not been there it’s unlikely the child would have survived.

The story truly transcends the stigma behind Dobermans and goes to show that they are loyal and loving dogs who will do anything to protect the ones they love…

Images via NTD TV


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