Coconut Oil for Bulldogs

It is widely known that coconut oil has many natural benefits for humans.  Well, it also turns out that coconut oil has several benefits for Bulldogs, too.

Coconut oil is an edible oil extracted from the kernel or meat of matured coconuts.

The oil is composed of approximately 91% of saturated fatty acids, 6% of mono-unsaturated fatty acids, and 3% of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The primary benefits of coconut oil for your Bully come from the oil’s Medium Chain Triglycerides which is often extracted for medicinal purposes. These Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT’s) have special properties for humans, and because they are able to be rapidly absorbed by the human body, it has shown to benefit many ailments in humans connected with malabsorption.

Okay, okay, that’s a mouthful of science – but how can it help my Bully?

In dogs, MCT’s found in coconut oil can help with weight loss because MCT’s are efficiently metabolized.  They also aid in boosting the thyroid, aiding overweight dogs in weight loss and helping the lethargic Bully feel a bit more energetic.

Coconut oil gently raises the metabolism, provides a higher level of energy and vitality, boosts the immune system, improves skin and coat, improves digestion, and reduces allergic reactions.

So, when you’ve tried medication after medication, it may be time to try out nature’s gift to dogs.


You can apply coconut oil either internally to your pup or externally.

When feeding it to your Bully, it would be a good idea to start with 2 teaspoons a day with food, and work your way up if needed.  However, 2 teaspoons for an approximately 60 lb. dog should do the trick.  Just don’t overload your Bully in the beginning.

Applied externally, you can rub coconut oil on to your dog’s fur and skin and brush them.  This can help clear up multiple skin issues that dogs can have, and will keep their coat looking beautiful year-round.

When used regularly, coconut oil can help in the following areas:

Immune System


  • Helps boost the thyroid to aid in weight loss
  • Helps increase energy in otherwise lethargic Bulldogs

Skin and Coat

  • Disinfects cuts and promotes wound healing
  • Deodorizes a smelly Bully, and helps keep their fur glossy
  • Reduces allergic reactions
  • Protects from Fleas
  • Clears up skin conditions such as eczema


  • Reduces bad breath
  • Improves digestion and nutrient absorption
  • Helps other digestive upsets

What kind of Coconut Oil to use?

There are many options to use when it comes to coconut oil, but for Bullies, it is best to use and unrefined coconut oil.

I personally have used Spectrum’s unrefined coconut oil and seen great results in my Bulldogs!

So, why not use coconut oil for your Bulldog?  It has TONS of excellent benefits to make your Bully a healthier and happier dog.  At worst, your dog may not improve from the use of this supplement.  However, it is definitely worth a shot!


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