January 24, 2018
How Does a Bullymake Box Subscription Work?
If your dog is a heavy chewer, the BULLYMAKE BOX is the best solution there is!


It’s THAT simple!
To get started, click here!
June 13, 2017
Service Dog Goes to Prom With Best Friend
The bond between human and service dog is completely different from any other. So when Claire went to her high school prom this past month, it only made sense that Percie came with her.
According to a story in The Dodo, Percie is a medical alert dog who uses her intuition to know when Claire’s disability might come into play.
“A large part of my disability are anxiety-derived ‘episodes,’ which can best be described as panic attacks,” Claire told The Dodo. “Percie can detect my cortisol levels and lets me know when an episode is about to happen based on my levels. This gives me the advantage of knowing before the episode occurs so I can take measures to lessen its severity.”
Although things never got too bad for Claire during the prom, Percie still kept her eyes and her nose on her, even letting her know when he started to sense her anxiety building at points.
“She helped me during prom by alerting me several times, which she does by excessively pawing or nudging me with her nose,” Claire told The Dodo. “She performed ‘blocks’ or ‘covers’ by moving her body into positions that prevent people from getting too close while I recovered from less severe, short episodes.”
Claire hopes that Percie, who has gone viral on Instagram, can be an example that spreads the word about the wonders of service dogs.
“I hope to educate the public about service dogs and invisible disabilities, but I also want to help others feel less alone and more valid in their battle,” she said. “I’m not weaker because of my disability or because I have a service dog, I’m actually a lot stronger.”
Images via: Instagram/@Service.angel.Percie
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Sometimes our canine companions deserve to be spoiled just as much as we are.
For this dog, that day was Mother’s Day.
Maye, a shelter dog from Atlanta, was picked up this past Mother’s day by shelter volunteer Nancy Riley-James. Riley-James noticed from the dog’s underside that Maye recently had a litter.
According to The Dodo Riley-James decided that given the holiday, Maye deserved a vacation.
“Moms need a break! This four-legged mommy needed one, too,” Riley-James told The Dodo.
The two stopped for brunch at a local eatery in Atlanta that is so friendly to pups that there is even a canine-centric menu.
After their meal, Maye and Riley-James had dessert at King of Pops, a popsicle stand that caters to both humans and dogs.
At the end of the day, the two relaxed in a local pet-friendly hotel–and the hotel supplied new chew toys for Maye.
“She loved being in that [hotel] bed,” said Riley-James. “That was probably the most comfortable, peaceful rest she has had in awhile.”
“Getting out of the shelter for a day out is great for dogs, because it allows them to leave the stressful shelter behind and truly relax,” Karen Hirsch, spokesperson for LifeLine Animal Project, told The Dodo. “And the individual attention that they receive means the world to them. They seem to bask in it. It seems to recharge their batteries, making shelter life more tolerable.”
Images via The Dodo
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May 26, 2017
Saint Bernard Befriends 93-Year-Old Neighbor
Of all the friends in the world, this pair is perhaps one of the more unlikely.
Brody, a Saint Bernard, and his neighbor Sally, a 93-year-old woman are the best of friends.
Brody’s owner, Dave Mazarella of Mount Vernon, Washington documents his dogs’ lives via Instagram as a number of pet owners do, but Brody and Sally’s friendship has gone viral.
The two were fast friends when they met, and Mazarella has been sure to document their adventures.
Brody gets her newspaper…
…and even goes on drives with her!
Brody and Sally have a special bond that reminds us of the love between humans and our canine friends.
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1. Goofy over grace…

2. The feeling that you have a canine shaped shadow
3. How they all think they’re human…
4. …maybe a little too often
5. Their required hourly snuggle sessions
via dog buddy
6. When the constant attention you give still isn’t enough
via PopKey
7. Did we mention goofy already…
via DogBuddy
8. …Because even their grace is a little goofy
via Weimaraner Club of America
9. How their hunting genetics can kick in at the drop of a hat
10. That their eyes are supremely hypnotizing…
via Daily Puppy
11. …yup still hypnotized.
12. How sometimes they take their appetite a little far…
13. …WAY too far.
via Raechel Myers
14. How the’re always good for a smile…
15. …and a best friend for life
Check it Out!
May 5, 2017
Loving Dogs Good For Health, Doctors Say

Great news for dog people!
According to Shareably, a new study from the University of Alberta shows that owning dogs is good for your health! The study followed 70 infants both raised around dogs and not.
The infants who were in the presence of dogs had better immune systems over time.
Apparently, the dirt and bacteria that dogs carry is good for babies because it strengthens their immune systems. The babies who grew up with dogs were found to carry a type of bacteria that is key in preventing obesity and allergies.
“The abundance of these bacteria were increased twofold when there was a pet in the house,” said Dr. Anita Kozyrskyj, a University of Alberta pediatric epidemiologist.
A related study found that children who grew up with dogs had much lower anxiety levels than others.
Moral of the study? Raise your kids with dogs!
Image via FanPop
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We’d sometimes maybe like to forget just how quickly our dogs age. Photographer Amanda Jones has made it her work to document this rapid growth, and the results are incredible.
For the past twenty years, Jones has been keeping track of the growth of a series of dogs. She takes pictures of them as puppies of around a year of age and again in their golden years.
Her project is a wonderful reminder of the years of joy our dogs bring, and their persistent beauty.
Full project linked below!
Images via Dog Years
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April 26, 2017
This dog recognized his owner by smell

After his owner lost 50 lbs. during a stint in the hospital, Willie the dog almost didn’t recognize him.
But when he took a whiff of his owner’s hands and realized it was him, he couldn’t handle his excitement any further.
According to a story in Life With Dogs, owner Shane Godfrey found Willie abandoned as a pup sometime last year and saved him from the streets.
The two have been together ever since.
So when Godfrey came home noticeably skinnier, Willie appeared a bit skeptical of this newfound man. But for dogs, the smell doesn’t lie, and Willie found himself happily reunited.
Watch the heartwarming video here!
Images via Shane Godfrey
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April 21, 2017
Science Tells Us What Dogs Mean When They Look Guilty

Everybody loves “dog shaming” memes. After all, what’s cuter than a pooch who just ripped up the sofa looking guilty?
But have you ever wondered if they actually feel guilty? A new post on Psychology Today tells us!
According to the post, dogs inherit this guilty look from their wolf ancestors. Among wolves, it’s called an “apology bow.” When a wolf oversteps its boundaries with a superior and is shamed, the wolf must perform this bow to be allowed back into the social circle.
This applies to dogs of the domestic, guilty variety as well.
When we catch our dogs chewing tables or eating our sandwiches and scold them, they perform the same bow, hoping we’ll forgive them and let them back in.
If that doesn’t make these memes all the more adorable, I don’t know what will!