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In: Newfoundlands

There’s nothing quite like huge dogs snuggling together–nor is there anything like those same dogs cuddled up with a tiny pooch. In their eyes, they’re all the same.

That’s why this video of a Pomeranian and two Newfoundlands keeping each other warm is to die for. It would be one thing if this spry Pomeranian were snuggled against a single Newfoundland, but two? Luckily with the size difference there’s enough space for all to keep warm.

The video, which was posted to Rumble by user MollytheNewfie, notes: “Molly the Newfoundland is so tired she doesn’t care that she is getting squished by her much younger but bigger brother Boomer! Lady the Pomeranian is also present and enjoying the company.”

Check out the video below!

Source: Adorable snuggle party for trio of dogs by MollyTheNewfie on Rumble


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They’re basically giant teddy bears

A photo posted by FNL (@notoriousnewfs) on


There’s definitely no one better to cuddle with

A photo posted by Violet (@theworkingviolet) on


Plus when they’re little, they’re basically just poofs


Not that much changes when they grow up

A photo posted by Chuck Holtzen (@mychucksview) on


Also they make going on walks very easy


And they make mini photoshoots that much better

A photo posted by Mariah (@mariahtlili) on


And art, too


And they’re always there to give you a laugh

A photo posted by Oliver (@olliethenewfie) on


Plus they’re always up for an adventure


Especially if it involves water

A photo posted by Monica Nordnes (@monicanordnes) on


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They’re your go to adventure buddy


Because you would trust them with your life


And your kid’s life honestly


They’re the focus of every family portrait


This face and the ensuing drool is just another part of your day

A photo posted by Kevin (@macjmccoy) on


You make sure they’re always repping your team

A photo posted by @andiethenewfie on


Or at the very least, dressing like the lady they are

A photo posted by @w.running on


Your first reaction to this photo was “squad goals”


This is on your to do list


And you cannot stress this enough


 Check it Out!


They’re in the foreground of every family portrait


And you always make sure they’re looking their best


Your food becomes their food

A photo posted by Izzie Bear (@izziebizziebear) on


And you make sure that their food is never in short supply


You’d rather they stay comfy than get your work done

A photo posted by Izzie Bear (@izziebizziebear) on


And you don’t think this is lazy. You think it is a wise and well thought out choice to conserve energy, thank you very much.


Portraits of them are the only thing worth drawing


You don’t hesitate to shower them with flowers

A photo posted by @darwin_and_stewie on


Or yummy treats

A photo posted by @thenewf_and_his_goldensisters on


Because you know these guys are your superheroes

A photo posted by @clzwilson on


 Check it Out!

Newfoundland dogs are known for being big, fluffy, and perhaps a bit slobbery.

But there are certain traits of this breed only the parents can understand!

1. Newfies are always there to cheer their moms and dads up

You are my sunshine, my only

sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey. You’ll never know dear, how much I

love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away.

A photo posted by Stuckerson’s Oscar Wilde (@oscars_wilde) on

  2. They are also awesome team mates  


3. Newfies LOVE to frolic in the snow as much as possible


A photo posted by @sposodenis on

  4. They also tend to get along great with other Newfies, even strangers!  


5. These two have been best buddies since they met as puppies!


A photo posted by Mickey Cochran

(@oibmickey) on


  6. Newfoundland parents understand their dogs love napping   


6. They will nap literally everywhere with anyone


A photo posted by Mickey Cochran

(@oibmickey) on


  7. In case you missed it, Newfoundlands also are super into water  


8. They may pretend they aren’t, but it’s usually a dead giveaway


A photo posted by Boston, Tully, Bowie

and Kekoa (@bostonpopsgreatesthits) on


  9. Seriously, so majestic.  


10. Sometimes Newfies get a bad rap when they are being naughty and others see it


bad dog? #Newfoundland

#Newfoundlands #Newfie #newfies #newf #newfs #baddog #naughtydog #naughtynewfie

#destructive #mydogiscutest #dogstagram #dogsofinstagram #dogs_of_instagram #dogs #dog

#puppy #puppies #annarbor #michigan

A photo posted by Kirk the Newfoundland (@kirkthenewf) on

  11. But this breed’s parents know that it’s really all about fun  

Whatever, his arm will grow back. #tbt #newfoundlands #dogs A photo posted by Lucinda Newf (@meesusnewf) on


12. Newfies are actually super smart, and can be trained to do all sorts of impressive stuff


Halloween costumes. Candy

was clearly secure and Oso (which is Bear in Spanish) went as a Marip(osa) or butterfly in

Spanish. #obsessed with my #newfoundlands #dogsofinstagram #newfiesarethebestdogsever

#dog #instadog #OreoandOso

A photo

posted by Oreo & Oso. The Newfs (@oreoandoso) on

at 9:27pm PST

  13. Just look at Gimli! How does he do it?  

Now that’s some self control! ?? #HappyFriday ? A photo posted by Gimli the Newfoundland (@gimligentlegiantnewfie) on


14. But what Newfie parents understand more than anything is that their dog is totally huge


#Newfie #newfoundland

#newfie #terranova #dog #dogs #newfoundlands #abbracci #baci #baciabbracci


A photo posted by ?Andrea

Marinoni?? (@o_n_e_87) on


  15. Like take up the whole bed type big  

Cuddle buddies 🙂 @mackenzie2 #newfoundlandsofinstagram#cuddle #newfie #kids #sleep

A photo posted by newfoundlandsofinstagram (@newfoundlandsofinstagram) on


16. But size doesn’t matter – Newfies always offer love, support, and respect.


All aboard the train with Evie

and Gibby? my uncle clearly loves having two HUGE Newfoundlands? #puppies #dogs #uncle


A photo posted by Abbey Clark

(@flyingpigsss) on



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