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In: Mastiffs

Your dog loves Halloween as much as you do. Getting dressed up in a costume? Posing for pictures while everyone laughs and high fives their human friend? They love it.

While that may not be entirely true, your dog can’t vocally tell you otherwise, so we suggest you continue dressing your dog in the most creative, hilarious ways possible on October 31st.

The urge to do a countdown is too large… so we scoured Instagram to find the most amazing, absurd and creative costumes people have graced their four legged friends with.

Top 10 Hound Halloween Getups

#10 : When the tail-wagger in your life is dressed up as a super-hero – he plays the part & embraces the role… making Batman an obvious contender.

#9 : When you’re able to make the best of a rotten situation on Halloween, you grab that opportunity. He’s not impressed… but if he only knew just how clever it is, he’d probably have a change of heart.

#8 : Cheap, creative and comfortable. What more could a dog want?

#7 : “I feel pretty…oh, so pretty.” Patience and beauty give this hound a deserved spot on our list.

#6: If you, as a dog are able to make the appropriate sound to accompany the costume – we’re impressed.

#5: When a Husky pulls off a hot dog costume better than a wiener dog, it should be acknowledged.

#4: We’re not sure how this Boxer’s human parents convinced them to keep this pig nose on his face, but we love it.

#3: We triple dog dare you to find a better looking Lion-Dog.

#2: Creativity, effort and natural ability to pull it off earned Waldo major bonus points!

#1: A dog skeleton!? Homemade!? They doesn’t even know they’re in costume?! Without a doubt – this had to top the list at number one for creativity and comfort.

There you have it, Bullymake’s Top 10 Hound Halloween Getups!

And don’t forget to spoil your pooch this Howl-O-Ween too! [See below].


 Check it Out!

October 20, 2015

17 Reasons Mastiffs SUCK

1. Mastiffs can be real snarky, snickering and being cute, all that terrible stuff.

2. The cat likes the Mastiff more than the humans in your house.

A photo posted by meegz16 (@meegz16) on

3. When you have to wake up, your Mastiff doesn’t.

4. Mastiffs enjoy being back-seat cookers, much like back-seat drivers… only they make sure you’re cooking correctly.

A photo posted by @betty_cooper_ on

5. It takes no time at all to look this cute, it’s natural.

A photo posted by @bearlytallerthanyou on

6. Mastiff’s have their own unique way of letting you know what they think of your jokes.

A photo posted by @sherlockshenanigans on

7. Tennis Ball? (Hahahaha) No.

A photo posted by Ronald Groulx (@rongroulx) on

8. Equip your Mastiff with plenty of fun toys, or he’ll give you a friendly reminder.

A photo posted by Carla Louise (@carlalouise40) on

9. Try fibbing to your Mastiff and he’ll give you this look.

10. They get twitchy when they realize you’re near and not showing them affection.  But they definitely deserve all the love possible 🙂

12. Only your Mastiff would be able to get away with the noises and faces that are made at mealtime.

A photo posted by andyducrow (@andyducrow) on

13. Even your Mastiff can’t stand the stench of their gas – there’s a chance they thinks you did it.

A photo posted by Rachel (@rachel_dawnn) on

14. Your Mastiff doesn’t mind the mud… even if you do.

A photo posted by Ashley Gaskins (@ashtgaskins) on

15. A coffee table? No, there’s no room.  You’d much rather have the Mastiffs anyway. 

A photo posted by @martinezjen2 on

16. They can pull off a snaggle-toothed sleep-face better than any human… Adorable.

A photo posted by Ann Marie GS (@amgstevenson) on

17. You can’t help but love them to shreds!

A photo posted by Murphy DDB (@murphy_dogue) on


 Check it Out!

1. I told him I didn’t want to play… but, it’s okay. I don’t mind.

2. Costume, or no costume… She has the heart of a lion.

3. Tiny baby, huge dog… best friends.

A photo posted by @diesel_cane_corso on

4. Judgement free zone. All cuddlers welcome!

5. He is hers, and she is his… it’s the way it has to be.

6. Just because you’re large, doesn’t mean you can’t mind your manners.

A photo posted by Jess & Ruby?❤️ (@_xxjessx) on

7. Tell me your problems. I’m here for you.

8. What do you mean they were scared of me… they’ve never met me!

9. Brothers from another mother.

A photo posted by Ray Huckle (@rayhuckle) on

10. Just keeping your bed warm until later for you… and then you guys can share.

A photo posted by Maya (@mayahoward12) on

11. Ready when you guys are. Take your time. Just happy to be here.


 Check it Out!

1. This cat thinks it’s just one of the dogs and the dogs… they think otherwise sometimes.

A photo posted by Rita Mader (@rfmader) on

2. As long as the feline keeps the nails in the paws… they’re friends.

A photo posted by @helpoutfurryfriends on

3. This Golden and Tabby believed they were brother and sister for a little while…

A photo posted by Danni. (@danniengel) on

4. As long as their humans aren’t paying more attention to the other… they’re great friends.

A photo posted by Madalena Caixeiro (@madalenao) on

5. There is actually no hate involved in this relationship – 100% love. Surprisingly. 

6. They’ve agreed to share the bed, but they refuse to talk about it.

A photo posted by Shawn Pizzo (@turtle420425) on

7. The dog enjoys this significantly more than the cat.


8. They do an every-other-day thing for the sunshine at noon.

9. Another Dog-Cat understanding. Friends.  Kind of?

10. Obviously, this cat is in charge… and it works for this pit and lab.

A photo posted by ?? (@xdoweijersx) on

11. This pooch may have surrendered it’s position as top-dog. 

12. It’s not surprising there’s another all love, no hate relationship in this list, is it?

13. When the humans offer food – every single one is on their best behavior.

A photo posted by @no_grey_area on

14. Some relationships take time…



15. “Listen humans… if the cat can do it – I can do it.” –Dog

A photo posted by @cyamo8 on


 Check it Out!

1. Let your Mastiff’s personality shine and embrace their craziness.

A photo posted by Melissa Foy (@missfoy13) on

2. Dance in your home, in your yard and in public with your Mastiff.

A photo posted by T Durt (@durt0006) on

3. Give your Mastiff child a warm, cozy place to lay his head at the end of the day.


4. Make appropriate accommodations for your massive Mastiff…

A photo posted by #TUFTON (@tuftonthemastiff) on

5. Bring your Mastiff around other gentle giants… better yet, adopt three!

A photo posted by T H R E E (@king_beau_isla) on

6. Give your Mastiff something to look forward to. Birthday treats… every year.

A photo posted by Pua Nani?? (@puathemastiff) on

7. Allow your Mastiff to smell the roses … or the barbeque… whichever.

A video posted by @lurz_lemon on

8. Never tell your Mastiff he is too large to be a lap dog – It’s simply untrue.

A photo posted by Amanda James (@am_jammer) on

9. Be prepared for the slobber… and don’t give your Mastiff a hard time about it.

10. Occasionally, bring your Mastiff around animals that make her feel Dainty.

11. Let your Mastiff feel the wind in his face… and jowls.

A photo posted by Angela Christo (@ang_christo) on

12. Even if they fail… Praise your Mastiff for trying so hard.

13. Keep a good stock of chew toys available – at your Mastiffs disposal, of course.


Check it Out!

1. There’s no dog pile, like a Mastiff dog pile.

A photo posted by @pawsome_pack on

2. Mastiff drool is unlike anything you’ve ever witnessed… and then they shake their head.

A photo posted by Abbie (@green.eyed.grin) on

3. Your home, chair, bed and heart all belong to your Mastiff.

4. When your friends and family complain about their animal shedding everywhere… you get to smirk. Go thank your Mastiff for being easy to groom why don’t ya.

5. You’re aware of your Mastiff’s size and he is less aware.

6. The relief that is felt when your Mastiff obviously wants to be just as lazy as you do.

A photo posted by meekation (@meekation) on

7. When the Mastiff sleeps – the household is aware of it.

8. Your Mastiff can have terrible gas, you may get used to it, but warn your guests.

9. Based on size alone, people will not mess with you when you’re with your Mastiff.

10. The reality that sometimes the best listener in your household is your Mastiff child.

11. Their build, personality and efforts; everything about your Mastiff is big.

12. Your Mastiff is your best friend, and the feeling is mutual. How does this look make you feel when you leave the house? I bet other Mastiff parents have the same experience.

13. You can’t take your Mastiff anywhere…

A photo posted by Suzanne A Barber (@sb2746) on

14. Your Mastiff might be the biggest baby in the household…

15. The only thing better than one Mastiff, is two.


Check it Out!