January 24, 2018
How Does a Bullymake Box Subscription Work?
If your dog is a heavy chewer, the BULLYMAKE BOX is the best solution there is!


It’s THAT simple!
To get started, click here!
April 28, 2017
Soldier Reunited With Military Dog

Few things are more heartwarming than a reunion between man and man’s best friend.
This story is perhaps even more tear-jerking because both the man and canine served together in the military:
Taylor, a yellow lab, served the United States military in two deployments. According to a story in Little Things, she was so good at her job that she had a price on her head from the Taliban.
Sgt. Tom Hanson was reunited with Taylor after she was discharged.
According to reports, it’s difficult for these reunions to happen due to the cost of adoption of these dogs.
Flight attendant Molli Oliver however, makes it her duty to facilitate these reunions and made this beautiful moment happen.
Watch the video here!
Image via NBC News
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March 28, 2017
Snowbound Bulldog Gets Help Rescuing Frisbee

Sometimes in life, when we can’t get what we want, we find that all we needed all along was a helping hand. That was the case with a French Bulldog named Bentley when he couldn’t climb through the snow to get back his Frisbee!
In the video below, Bentley’s Frisbee was stuck in the snow just out of the pup’s reach, and Bentley didn’t have the height or strength to get it. When encouragement from Bentley’s owner wasn’t quite enough to get back the beloved disc, Bentley’s pal Chase, a Labrador Retriever, came to the rescue.
Chase dove into the snow and picked up the Frisbee, bringing it back to Bentley and dropping it in front of them. The two then go off to play more in the snow.
These two best pal pups go to show that sometimes all you need is a little bit of kindness and a little bit of help!
Check it Out!
July 11, 2016
12 Reasons You Have to Love Labradors

They’re probably the most loving breed out there
They love the snow!
They love the great outdoors!
They love naps!
They love swimming!
They love sticks!
Car rides!
Tennis balls!
And people!
And we can’t help but love them back
Check it Out!
April 12, 2016
10 Labs Who Love the Great Outdoors

This master gardener
This cutie who won’t let a little rain stop her from having fun
And this guy who doesn’t mind the water one bit—so long as he can shake it off
This beach bum
And this pupper who doesn’t mind getting a little dirty
This bounding beauty who can’t even contain her joy at being outside
These hiking aficionados
This flower princess
This snowbunny (snow puppy?)
And this pupper who wouldn’t want to be anywhere else in the world
Check it Out!

Even though this sort of behavior used to annoy you, you’re not sure what you’d do without it now
You celebrate the holidays together
Even if it’s in a somewhat unorthodox way
Their coziness is your top priority
You get more excited for their birthdays than your own
You consider Labrador art the highest form of art
You dress them up like the princesses they are
You know that your selfie game increases tenfold when you include them
You take them on all your adventures
Because really, there’s no better friend than a lab
Check it Out!
January 31, 2016
13 Insanely Easy Tips for a Happy Labrador

Labradors are already a pretty happy-go-lucky breed, but why not go the extra mile? Here’s 13 tips for a SUPER happy lab!
1. Starting at a young age, ensure your Lab has lots of fun and interesting toys.
2. Playing in the dirty clothes pile should be encouraged.
3. Make sure to keep your Labrador styling at all times.
4. If you Lab isn’t crazy about bath time, let them use the human hot tub to help ease their stresses.
5. This Lab’s parents are obviously doing something right.
6. Nothing pleases a Labrador more than a big ‘ol stick!
7. “Or a Bullymake Box! Wink Wink”
8. Cuddle parties are always encouraged to keep Labs and their pals blissful.
9. Don’t forget to take your Lab on plenty of car rides!
10. A little watermelon goes a long way, as well.
11. Lab puppies are nearly always happy, so there’s not too much to worry about…
12. Unless there is a little accident, so let those Labs out to run!
13. Follow these tips, and your dog will have so much fun! Don’t forget, a sleepy dog is a happy dog.
Check it Out!
January 25, 2016
14 Signs You Love Your Labrador…Too Much

Labradors are one of the most loyal of dog breeds, making them quite loveable. But is it possible you love your Lab just a little too much?
1. Do you buy your English Lab puppy at least three toys a day? May be a bit much…
2. If you let your Labrador drink the last of your Australian shiraz, you may love them a wee too much.
3. This guy is in complete control at all times, sometimes rendering his parents useless.
4. Building a resort for Labrador puppies also may be a sign you love these dogs too much.
5. This Labrador’s dad gave him a nicer jersey than even he has!
6. And this gal’s mom actually lets her pull off her expensive socks, putting them at great danger of holes and stretching – just to show her love.
7. Do you share your ice cream with your Lab? You may love them a bit too much.
8. This Lab is only 6 months old, but she already gets her own bedroom!!
9. This pup’s mom loves her so much; she doesn’t even care about the $200 yoga ball that’s been destroyed!
10. Buying your Labrador Burberry scarves? Also a sign you may love them too much.
11. Additionally, not caring if your Lab eats your jelly sandals may indicate too strong of a love.
12. “But my baby dog is sooooooooo cute! He’s worth it!”
13. Of course Labs are worth it…
14. Let’s just stay away from going too far.
Check it Out!
December 2, 2015
The 12 Stereotypical Dogs Everybody Sees at the Dog Park!

The sisters waiting near the gate, gleefully waiting for their mom to give them the go-ahead to run.
The super-strong dog that runs around with a huge stick, almost trying to show off.
The totes adorable Corgi puppy that every single owner melts over, and every single dog tramples over.
The inevitable three-way tug-of-war session.
Rottweiler brothers that are just a bit too chill.
Ignore any faces like this guy’s and walk away slowly…
“Sure, you’re bigger than me, but I am the one holding this stick!”
The two buddy dogs that cannot wait to play.
The token Jack Russell Terrier.
Warm weather always brings the “dogs under the benches” well, under the benches.
Don’t miss the pals that like to take a little rest from the action together.
And finally, all of the dogs who want to play!
Check it Out!
November 16, 2015
18 Times Labradors Made the Best Breed List!

1. Best smile goes to…
2. Rain or shine… Labradors will take you for a walk; poncho for both included.
3. No one tell this Labrador it’s a towel. From now on, it’s a cape and he is a Super Labrador.
4. Sometimes we all need that little push to get up and get a bit of exercise. Labradors (especially
this one) will give you a friendly reminder to get off your booty.
5. If there was ever a Labrador that made a cat wonder more about what the heck he was doing… This Labrador wins.
6. This Labrador helped out the Best Breed Nomination based on its allowance of buddy-napping.
7. When your Labrador leads the way, it’s always an adventure.
8. Labradors have a way of making you feel special – no matter what. This lab was doing his doggy duty of laughing at his humans jokes.
9. Labradors do not turn their nose up at the idea of sleeping in some fresh air… in a tent.
10. There are not many labs (or people) who look this good, this close up.
11. Labradors are always the logical ones. This Lab obviously thinks his dog friend is looking desperate and is ruining their chances at getting a snack.
12. Best ‘peek-at-you-eyes’ go to…
13. We all love the back rest of beach chairs, right? This Lab is more comfortable than you ever will be on one of them.
14. A Labrador showing moral support for another four-legged friend? Winner.
15. Plays well with others and stands his ground.
16. Black, Brown, Yellow or otherwise… they don’t discriminate.
17. Labs have the ability to look into your soul… or at least appear to.
18. Show us another breed who synchronized swim… please, we want you to. Until then…Labradors win.