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In: Golden Retrievers

Every dog seems to have its own lovable little quirks, but Huckleberry’s are a little “higher” up than most. Huckleberry, a Golden Retriever from Austin, Texas spends his days relaxing on top his family’s roof.

After a number of neighbors and joggers posted their fascination with Huck, the pooch went viral and now has nearly 30,000 followers in Instagram!

Huck’s owner Allie Lindenmuth told CBS News, “He likes to sit up there and watch the cars and passersby. He loves to say hello!”

According to CBS News, when Lindenmuth and her husband moved into their current home in Austin about three years ago, they noticed how easy it was to access the roof and wondered if Huck would figure it out.

It didn’t take long.

Within six months the pup was climbing up to watch the world on a regular basis.

Naturally, a dog on a roof might normally be a cause for concern, so Lindenmuth and her husband have put up signs letting passersby know that it’s where Huck wants to be.

“We are thrilled with the joy this has brought to lots of people,” Lindenmuth told CBS News. “We’ve definitely noticed a little bit more pep in Huck’s step since this all started.”

Images via Twitter/@StarstrickenSF


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As with most viral dogs, it started with a Tweet:

“Can we just talk about how my dog begs for food?” wrote Adriana Burkhart with an image of pup Bella riding on top of Golden Retriever Hank.

The images immediately spread like wildfire, as the internet is infamous for falling in love with unique dogs.

Burkhart has six dogs in total according to a story in Buzzfeed News, but it seems that Bella and Hank are the two tightest of the bunch.

Whether Hank is helping Bella climb onto the couch or simply acting as noble steed, the two are inseparable.

“Whenever we’re making food, she uses Hank to get a better vantage point so she can be closer to the counter,” said Burkhart. “She’s got a pretty good puppy dog eye, so they both end up getting treats whenever that happens.”

One thing is for sure: the world can never have too many pictures of these two together.

Images via Adriana Burkhart


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Even though he’s not in office anymore, former Vice President Joe Biden may have met his match: a Golden Retriever puppy named “Biden.”

What’s more? The pup’s human mother is a Republican staffer.

The owner, who identified only as “Sydney” when talking to the Huffington Post, said she named the Golden after the Vice Prez because he was her favorite politician, even from across party lines.

Sydney described Biden as a pure “DC dog” and his rapidly growing Instagram page confirms it! The canine Biden has been photographed in the Capitol, in the rotunda, and on the floor of the senate!

Even though Biden the pup and Biden the human have their ideological differences, who could resist the bond they share?

Images via @bidenthegolden


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One of the most lovable things about dogs is their tendency to act like human children for their entire lives. This particular dog reminds us of a child’s attachment to toys and safety blankets with her teddy bear rescue mission.

When this Golden Retriever’s stuffed bear was left behind in the laundry machine, she dove in for the rescue, Mission Impossible style–though she wasn’t aware her owners had set up cameras knowing she’d be planning such a heist.

Like a stealth bomber, she sneaks into the laundry room, pokes her head into the washing machine (where another camera was set up), and rescues her beloved bear before it was too late!

The video, posted by Youtube user Simon Bromfield, states “Our Golden Retriever is besotted with her teddy bear. We setup a little sting operation to see if we could catch her on camera stealing it out of the washing machine.”

Doubtless, an adorable moment of canine and ursine love!



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Tragedy is everywhere in this world, and heartbreak affects us all–even our canine companions. So when Daisy, a Golden Retriever from Roseburg, Oregon, lost her litter of puppies to a barn fire, she was heartbroken and grieving for weeks.

According to a story in Buzzfeed News, owner Jessica Woodruff stated that Daisy lost her pups just three weeks after giving birth.

“We tried to run to the barn,” she said. “But it was too late. We had to hold Daisy as she tried to run into it.”

In the following weeks, Daisy just wasn’t the same.

“My heart broke for this new mom,” said Woodruff. “[She] wasn’t really eating…just walking down to the barn whining.”

But sometimes, even amid tragedy, beauty can happen…

Woodruff put out a post on Facebook asking for anyone who has puppies that need to be fostered, and was soon put in contact with Lorna Murphy.

Murphy’s dog Chloe died a short while after giving birth to her litter of eight puppies, leaving them orphaned.

According to Buzzfeed, Woodruff called the situation “fate.”

Daisy met the litter and the puppies took right to being nursed and taken care of by her. And Daisy has been pleased since. While the arrangement is only until the litter has grown mature enough, the universe has worked its magic. Daisy has puppies–the puppies have a mom.

Images via Buzzfeed, credit Jessica Woodruff 



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Ever feel you need some love? If you’re in New York City, Insta-famous Golden Retriever Louboutina might just be the friend you need!

Louboutina, or “Loubie” for short, has become something of a canine celebrity in the city, hugging her new human friends during walks with owner Cesar Fernandez-Chavez in their Chelsea neighborhood.

According to Fernandez-Chavez, the duo doesn’t make it too far on walks without Loubie trying to hug either him or unsuspecting passers by with whom she feels a connection.

In an interview with The Dodo, Fernandez-Chavez said that Loubie has helped a number of people, making their day.

“It’s nice to see people walk away with a smile,” he said. “People say it’s so good to see this on the street. She’s bringing them joy. It’s very rewarding.”

Want to see more of Loubie hugging? Follow her on Instagram @Louboutinanyc!

Images via @Louboutinanyc on Instagram



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They’re pretty much the original family dog

A photo posted by Nash ?er (@iamnashnyc) on


Human family or otherwise

A photo posted by @tombultosbaga on


Plus they’re crazy photogenic

A photo posted by @lindaszygenda on


And totally hip and with it


Not to mention always willing to help with yardwork

A photo posted by @wranglerandcooper on


Indoor chores, too!


Really they’re willing to go along with pretty much anything


Like getting down and dirty in the mud

A photo posted by Mozzie Bear ? (@mozzie.bear) on


Going on crazy adventures


Or being straight up pampered


Because really, they know how to be classy

A photo posted by Rachel Jade (@rachelwarneke) on


But most importantly, no matter what you’re doing


Or where you’re going

A photo posted by Washington Santana (@washiss) on


You know they’ll be by your side

A photo posted by @luckythegolden on


All their life


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This diehard sports fan


This little lady who is trying her hardest to catch that snowflake

A photo posted by Ellie ?? (@adventures.of.ellie) on


This plant enthusiast

A photo posted by Lola & Zoe (@lo.and.zo) on


This intellect

A photo posted by Daisy & Maple (@daisy.maple) on


This master of subtle tongue


This unbelievably tiny pup

A photo posted by Honey (@sweetesthoney) on


This future model


This little girl who’s just trying her best to tackle those pesky stairs

A photo posted by Riley (@riley_tailwagger) on


This fashionista who knows how to work her tail


This patient young man


This lil guy who pooped out mid playtime


This curious pup who just might be open to the idea of bathtime


This pupper who couldn’t be more excited for the snow


These sleeping beauties


And this big puddle of love and cuddles

A photo posted by @nancys_goldens on


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You make sure they always dress like the royalty they are

A photo posted by Rebecca Davis (@aegeandrawn) on


Or at the very least stay cozy

A photo posted by Kara Nelles (@karanelles) on


You don’t take photos. You have photoshoots.

A photo posted by Rö Pérez (@maiaedhel) on


You take them on all your adventures

Celebrate their milsetones


And commission their portraits

A photo posted by @jon_duncan_art on


You include them in your workouts


And your Friday nights in


You could never bring yourself to make him move


Because at the end of the day, all you want is to see this face smiling up at you


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Sharing your coffee has become second nature

A photo posted by Murphy (@goldenboy_murphy_) on


They’ve effectively commandeered your bed

A photo posted by Charlie (@charlietheretriever1) on


You got them hiking boots. Because why not, obviously?

A photo posted by Emily (@emmyem_nkapjs14) on


And they have the warmest winter coat


They make their way into every part of your life, including your morning coffee

A photo posted by Ian Liu (@chubbyianliu) on


Birthday parties are a must

A photo posted by Tamara Steffy (@tamara_rae21) on


Including cake, of course


A photo posted by Madhusha Dash (@madhushadash) on


Shelling out a little cash for a portrait isn’t even a question in your mind

A photo posted by Syd Hardin (@pensivewombat) on


You always make sure they look their very best


A photo posted by @holathegolden on


And you’re there for anything they need, even if that means being a human flotation device


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