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In: Dobermans

One of the most common misconceptions about dogs like Dobermans is that they’re vicious animals. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, Dobermans are some of the most loyal dogs you can find. The following story is no exception:

An Australian family, looking to add some canine love to the mix, brought home a Doberman and named him Khan. The dog seemed to fit in well with the group and took a particular liking to the young child in the family.

According to a story in Buzz Flare, the dog was left alone outside with the child one day supervised from afar by her mother. When it seemed as though Khan was getting vicious, the mother ran outside, seeing Khan grab hold of the child and throw her across the yard–but upon further inspection, Khan was saving the child from a venomous snake.

Khan fought off the snake but was bitten and had to be rushed to the nearest emergency vet to be given anti-venom. Had Khan not been there it’s unlikely the child would have survived.

The story truly transcends the stigma behind Dobermans and goes to show that they are loyal and loving dogs who will do anything to protect the ones they love…

Images via NTD TV


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Few other breeds of dogs have the ability to make our beloved Dobermans look small, but Boss, the 5 year old Doberman looks quite tiny next to his friend Contino, a large white horse!

Though Contino is about five times larger than Boss, size doesn’t get in the way of their friendship! The two document their adventures in best-friending on their Instagram page, @TheDobieTeam.

While the unlikely pairing might be expected to be not a great fit, the two clearly love each other, playing day in and day out, unlike any canine-equine relationship you’ve ever come across.

Check out this video of the two’s exploits! 

Images via Instagram 


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In 2008, a sweet 10 month old dog named Nora was rescued from deplorable conditions in a backyard breeding operation in Canada. Not only was she severely emaciated, she was also pregnant.

But with the help of her rescuers, Funds For Furry Friends, she was able to give birth to her puppies in a safe and caring environment, only two days after her escape.

Once her and her four puppies were strong enough, they were all put up for adoption and found loving forever homes. Nora especially found her people, fitting in perfectly to a family of five, bonding especially with the three children of her

Looking for a dog, ELizabeth Spence and her husband arranged to meet with Nora at her foster home, and immediately fell in love. Though she still showed signs of the trauma she endured, she bonded with the family quickly, especially the couple’s three young children.

Spence had no reason to believe Nora would ever see one of her puppies again, but received a call last year that changed the game. A family who had adopted one of Nora’s daughter’s could not longer keep her, and wanted to know if the Spence’s could take her in. Nora’s daughter, Remi, lived on a farm six hours aways, but her owners drove all the way to meet Nora and her owners in Winnipeg. And if there was any doubt that the Spences would take her in, Remi and Nora made it clear pretty almost immediately.


The two started playing as if they hadn’t spent a minute away from each other. And now they’ll never have to.




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They’re easily the most photogenic breed

A photo posted by Doberman Pinschers (@doberman_pinschers) on


And definitely one of the goofiest

A photo posted by Maggda_K (@maggda_k) on


And most cuddly goes without saying

A photo posted by @storm_miska_dobermann on


Even though they have an intimidating reputation, they can be pretty shy

A photo posted by @mariocles on


And… well… Pictures speak a thousand words

A photo posted by Rei Tan (@rei_tan) on


They’ve got the cutest lil teefs


And won’t even try to stop you from keeping them clean


They clean up well


Like, really well

A photo posted by Bella Snuggs (@b_snuggs) on


And you know that two are better than one


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This cuddlebug

A photo posted by Jessica (@jess_h98) on


This sweetheart who just wants some pets

A photo posted by /// (@vandi_mauro) on


This kisser

A photo posted by @daniellecsk on


Actually, they’re all kissers.

A photo posted by @lmonjello on


Every single one.


No exceptions.


This guy who just wants to be kept in the loop

A photo posted by Kata Zmijarević (@kity_zulu) on


This guy who’s more than happy to look big and tough if it means he gets to be held

A photo posted by Jay Zuccato (@jay_zuccato) on


This selfie expert

A photo posted by @nataliya_nazarevskaya on


Babies. All of them.


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You include them in family portraits (because they’re a part of the family, obviously)


You’re not sure how to get where these people are, but you need to know asap.

A photo posted by Marcelo Gomes (@marcelogowes) on


You know that they’re cooler than you, and you’re perfectly fine with that.

A photo posted by Bleu (@bleu_the_dobie) on


You throw them the most lavish birthday celebrations


And take them on all the best vacations

A photo posted by Gunner Bane (@gunner_bane) on


Disputing their fearsome reputation with goofy photos is your favorite pastime

A photo posted by @jing_u27 on


This is not just a pile of puppies, it is a pile of happiness.

A photo posted by René Kees (@aartegrawwel) on


Based solely off of the presence of a Doberman, you consider this fine art and would hang it in your home


Because Doberman art is the best art

A photo posted by @vancityenzo on


Especially when it’s permanent


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They’re front and center in all of your family photos

A photo posted by @corpsepounder on


You’re not sure whether it’s your bed, or theirs


And if you haven’t completely surrendered your bed, you make sure theirs is equally as comfy anyway

A photo posted by Freud (@freud.the.dobe) on


Or as classy


Celebrating their birthday is a no brainer


They are your literal children


You make sure they always have the coolest threads


Their comfort levels are your number one priority

A photo posted by kelzum (@kelzumobarak) on


You know they deserve the absolute best


Because when it comes down to it, they’re your superhero

A photo posted by MHK (@mhk_mas_humanos) on

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It’s not always easy being a Doberman. You’re a big dog, you tip stuff over sometimes, and you may even feel the need to nap 20 hours a day. But these 13 Dobermans absolutely understand the real struggle.

This Doberman may not be fully grown, but he gets that this chair is not real leather.

Duke the Doberman only gets THREE cushions! It’s terrible.

A photo posted by The Duke (@thedukeofnewland) on

“Just because I’m big does not mean I am your play thing!!”

A photo posted by Marysa Carter (@rysakaylie) on

This Doberman has his eye on you – he knows what you’re really up to.

A photo posted by Kelly (@raysginger) on

“You’re really going to make me sit for a photo with this hat before I can just eat the meat?!”

All this Doberman really wants is more…is there more in there?

A photo posted by MASATO (@masatofuto) on

“I am only doing this because you rank ahead of me…and give me biscuits.”

Mojo and Riley had to wear faux cashmere…so unfair.

“I’m a dog, not a reindeer! Stop patronizing me!”

A photo posted by @tlenine on

“Mooooommmm, stop making me wear dumb sweaters for your social media…”

This Doberman struggles with the internal thought that she may never find a stick this big again.

“I haven’t received a treat in nearly an hour!”

“Aww…I still love you guys. But seriously, about the treats…”

A photo posted by william (@adventuredogla) on


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The sisters waiting near the gate, gleefully waiting for their mom to give them the go-ahead to run.

The super-strong dog that runs around with a huge stick, almost trying to show off.

A photo posted by karikins923 (@karikins923) on

The totes adorable Corgi puppy that every single owner melts over, and every single dog tramples over.

A photo posted by Sarah Wolfe (@swolfephoto) on

The inevitable three-way tug-of-war session.

Rottweiler brothers that are just a bit too chill.

A photo posted by Cupcake (@cupcaketherottie) on

Ignore any faces like this guy’s and walk away slowly…

A photo posted by PITV (@pawsintheville) on

“Sure, you’re bigger than me, but I am the one holding this stick!”

A photo posted by Miles (@dogwithstuff) on


The two buddy dogs that cannot wait to play.

A photo posted by Tamzin (@tamzinbasenji) on

The token Jack Russell Terrier.

A photo posted by Knine Lovers (@kninelovers) on

Warm weather always brings the “dogs under the benches” well, under the benches.

A photo posted by Bella (@bellaisabulldog) on

Don’t miss the pals that like to take a little rest from the action together.

A photo posted by @innerwestwalkies on

And finally, all of the dogs who want to play!


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1. When an occasion calls for it, we bet you clean up real nice… so do Dobermans.

2. Like you, sometimes Dobermans can’t hide their excitement.

A photo posted by cortinafinka (@cortinafinka) on

3. No matter who you are, getting a package in the mail always brightens your day.

A photo posted by PositiveSmash (@positivesmash) on

4. When someone says, “Say Cheese” … you do what you’re told, and so do they (sometimes – other times it may just be a perfectly timed photo).

5. Motivation can come, and motivation can go… it’s a vicious cycle that haunts us all.

A photo posted by Lilly (@lillythedobermann) on

6. And we all love snuggling in bed.

A photo posted by Shelby (@nhdobermans) on

7. When you need a pick-me-up, what do you do? Ok, maybe you don’t put a tiara on – but we all have our rituals.

8. When you want to be heard, you raise your voice… so do Dobermans.

A photo posted by cortinafinka (@cortinafinka) on

9. Who doesn’t love Bacon?

10. This is where we prove to you that Dobermans are also just like your small children and cats.

A photo posted by Lilly (@lillythedobermann) on

11. Dobermans want to meet and shake hands with Kevin Hart.

12. Everyone loves the clean feeling after a bath or shower – but this is something us humans and our Doberman friends express differently.

A video posted by Dexter (@doberman_dexter) on

13. We get excited for meal time – they get excited to watch you enjoy your meal: one in the same.

A photo posted by AMERICA FUCK YEA?? (@doberstig) on

14. Sometimes… your crazy side shows – right?

A photo posted by Ruger (@ruger_the_reddobe) on

See? Dobermans – they’re just like you.


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