After all the technological advancements in flight over the years, one thing still makes every flight a little dangerous in takeoff and landing: birds.

That’s where this dog comes in.

Meet Piper, a Border Collie working out of the airport in Traverse City, Michigan. Piper has a very important job during takeoff and landing. He makes sure that all the birds in the area are scared off so they don’t interfere with the planes.

According to a story on Insider, Piper has been employed with the airport for two years.

Brian Edwards, Piper’s handler, says, “Piper is a Border Collie, they are working dogs. They are meant to work so this is a dream job for Piper. He loves everything he does. He loves coming to work every day, the airport is basically his second home.”

Edwards noted that it took hours of work to train Piper for the job, but once he got the handle of it, he couldn’t get enough.

Piper works in all weather conditions to keep the runways clear from owls, geese, hawks, and other critters are out of the way of the planes.

Edwards says that seeing Piper enjoy the job is part of what makes him happy in his own life.

“There is not greater fulfillment or enjoyment in my life,” he said.

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