1. Oh crap…she’s taking a video.

A video posted by ?Kristen? (@poohbear_sd) on

2. Whatcha cookin, good-lookin’? You’re looking lovely today, by the way.

A photo posted by Annett Thom (@photodelphia) on

3. Gosh, that sure was freaky fast, smells fresh too!

A photo posted by Jennifer Choate (@50shadesof40) on

4. They gave the kid a cookie… I’m sure they’re coming back with one for me.

A photo posted by Marnie Meyer (@hoodlumboxers) on

5. I’m here for you. Please drop something now so I can help clean it up.

A photo posted by Ana Brown (@anitaceliaaa) on

6. They get stuck in my teeth… but sure, I’ll take one.

7. I was sleeping and the smell woke me… the least you can do is give me a tot.

8. …please? Please… PLEASE MAY I HAVE SOME HOT DOG!?

9. Resist these eyes… do it. I dare you.

10. Just checking in. How ya doin’? Is that pizza good?

A photo posted by cooper (@cooperhavasuboxer) on

11. For my next trick… I’ll catch some food in my mouth.

12. Take the picture… and walk away.

A photo posted by Starfox McLeod (@hot.messica) on

13. He ate it all. Every last bite. Can a dog get some crumbs?

14. I’ve been practicing my starving, withering away to nothing sad look.

A photo posted by Crystal Luna (@mrsluna_7315) on

15. I feel like my humans are trying to tell me something… I’m just not sure what.

A photo posted by Tonia Hoy (@totoh7) on


16. Don’t move… she doesn’t see you.

A photo posted by Rachete (@fruit_rat) on

17. Tonight is the night he will reward me for my consistent efforts, I know it.

A photo posted by Sokie Es-Huy (@s0kiyo) on

18. He put the tools down, sat back… he’s full…HE’S FULL! Yes!


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