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By: Rachelle Gordon

Dogs are man’s best friend but Great Danes will be your BFF.

Great Danes will always act silly to help cheer you up.


They’ll also keep your seat warm while you run to grab a snack.


Great Danes are always willing to stop for a selfie.


Danes are classy creatures, and will wear any and all accessories you get them.


Great Danes will be by your side no matter what.


They’re up for anything, even paddle-boarding!


Great Danes are always willing to share the load.


Great Danes will let you share affection, no matter how embarrassing the outcome.


They’re always down for a pick-up game.


Danes won’t steal your ice cream – no matter how bad they want it.


Great Danes are always down to snuggle.


They’re accepting of everyone.


They will climb to the top of the highest mountain.


And Great Danes will always hold your hand, no matter what.


 Check it Out!

1. When an occasion calls for it, we bet you clean up real nice… so do Dobermans.

2. Like you, sometimes Dobermans can’t hide their excitement.

A photo posted by cortinafinka (@cortinafinka) on

3. No matter who you are, getting a package in the mail always brightens your day.

A photo posted by PositiveSmash (@positivesmash) on

4. When someone says, “Say Cheese” … you do what you’re told, and so do they (sometimes – other times it may just be a perfectly timed photo).

5. Motivation can come, and motivation can go… it’s a vicious cycle that haunts us all.

A photo posted by Lilly (@lillythedobermann) on

6. And we all love snuggling in bed.

A photo posted by Shelby (@nhdobermans) on

7. When you need a pick-me-up, what do you do? Ok, maybe you don’t put a tiara on – but we all have our rituals.

8. When you want to be heard, you raise your voice… so do Dobermans.

A photo posted by cortinafinka (@cortinafinka) on

9. Who doesn’t love Bacon?

10. This is where we prove to you that Dobermans are also just like your small children and cats.

A photo posted by Lilly (@lillythedobermann) on

11. Dobermans want to meet and shake hands with Kevin Hart.

12. Everyone loves the clean feeling after a bath or shower – but this is something us humans and our Doberman friends express differently.

A video posted by Dexter (@doberman_dexter) on

13. We get excited for meal time – they get excited to watch you enjoy your meal: one in the same.

A photo posted by AMERICA FUCK YEA?? (@doberstig) on

14. Sometimes… your crazy side shows – right?

A photo posted by Ruger (@ruger_the_reddobe) on

See? Dobermans – they’re just like you.


 Check it Out!

1. Best smile goes to…

2. Rain or shine… Labradors will take you for a walk; poncho for both included.

3. No one tell this Labrador it’s a towel. From now on, it’s a cape and he is a Super Labrador.

4. Sometimes we all need that little push to get up and get a bit of exercise. Labradors (especially

this one) will give you a friendly reminder to get off your booty.

5. If there was ever a Labrador that made a cat wonder more about what the heck he was doing… This Labrador wins.

A video posted by danasign (@danasign) on

6. This Labrador helped out the Best Breed Nomination based on its allowance of buddy-napping.

7. When your Labrador leads the way, it’s always an adventure.

A photo posted by Piper (@piper_yellowlab) on

8. Labradors have a way of making you feel special – no matter what. This lab was doing his doggy duty of laughing at his humans jokes.

A photo posted by jhonycharry (@jhonycharry) on

9. Labradors do not turn their nose up at the idea of sleeping in some fresh air… in a tent.

A photo posted by Piper (@piper_yellowlab) on

10. There are not many labs (or people) who look this good, this close up.

A photo posted by danasign (@danasign) on

11. Labradors are always the logical ones. This Lab obviously thinks his dog friend is looking desperate and is ruining their chances at getting a snack.

12. Best ‘peek-at-you-eyes’ go to…

13. We all love the back rest of beach chairs, right? This Lab is more comfortable than you ever will be on one of them.

A photo posted by Diesel (@dieselthelab_) on

14. A Labrador showing moral support for another four-legged friend? Winner.

15. Plays well with others and stands his ground.

16. Black, Brown, Yellow or otherwise… they don’t discriminate.

A photo posted by Jenny Minto (@jennyminto89) on

17. Labs have the ability to look into your soul… or at least appear to.

18. Show us another breed who synchronized swim… please, we want you to. Until then…Labradors win.

A photo posted by Joanne Bonar (@labsnob) on


 Check it Out!

1. American Bulldogs have a way of making it seem 100% acceptable to lay around and relax all day. What’s responsibility?

2. You will never accomplish the level of comfort American Bulldogs do, and that’s a fact we all have to live with.

A photo posted by Candie Whitus (@candiewhitus) on

3. They aren’t always aware of their size or surroundings.

A photo posted by Jennifer Kight (@jnkight80) on

4. As much as you hate doing laundry… they love when you do laundry. Anyone who wants you to do the laundry sucks.

5. If they don’t get what they want, they sulk… and they are so good at it, you give them what they want.

6. Fact: American Bulldogs are more photogenic than you are.

A photo posted by Dennis (@tattoobob1) on

7. They don’t give a crap what they look like when they’re having fun – no shame…

A photo posted by Erick (@american_bulldogs) on

8. They take your best friend away and you’re expected to just accept it.


9. In addition to the other things American Bulldogs are better than you at, sunbathing is another one.

10. When it’s snowy and cold… and you want to stay wrapped in a blanket – American Bulldogs are all ambitious and stuff.

A photo posted by Tone Rock (@tonerock944) on

11. American Bulldogs can’t even appreciate a good butterfly costume.

A photo posted by Emily Velez (@emily700) on

12. American Bulldogs clearly suck for all these reasons and even more… like loving food. How dare they.

A photo posted by @oni_bolognapants on


 Check it Out!