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By: Allen Smith

If you listen to any number of podcasts these days, then you know how often they advertise foam mattresses. But how about for this family’s English Bulldog?

A video posted to youtube by channel “Rumble Viral” shows what happens when this little guy steps onto it for the first time. The results are nothing short of hilarious!

Upon settling in, the pup is overwhelmed with comfort. He dives around the bedding, throwing himself into every nook and cranny.

The video has become a viral sensation, racking up nearly 9 million views! Wow!

Check it out below!


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Among the hardships for shelter-bound pups is the lack of space and freedom to run. One high school in Santa Barbara found a fix for this problem…

According to a story in The Dodo, the cross country team at St. Joseph High School decided to invite the dogs on their morning runs!

“I am not sure who was more excited and having the most fun … the dogs or the kids,” coach Luis Escobar wrote. “Either way, it was a great time and I am sure we will do it again sometime soon.”

Check out the video below!

We can only hope this becomes a trend!

Images via Luis Escobar 


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If you’ve ever felt like your pups were better than your human friends, you’re not wrong. Science will back you up! A new study shows that our canine companions are better company than out human counterparts.

A story on Shareably compiled the following survey-based facts:

Over 1/4 of pet parents believe that their pets are more accepted within their families than their partners.

61% of pet parents would end a relationship for their pet and more than half of the participants would trust their dog’s judgment before their mother’s.

Over 1/4 of participants have brought their dogs on a date and 85% of pet parents are more likely to “swipe right” on a photo that included a dog.

Over 1/4 of pet parents have planned a special date for themselves and their pet.

95% of dog owners would rather spend the night at home cuddling with their dog than on a blind date.

56% of pet parents prefer to share the bed with their pet AND their partners, rather than just their partners.

Almost 70% of participants admitted that they would sacrifice alone time with their significant others for their pets.

45% of pet parents spend more money on their pet than their partner every month.

87% of pet parents would get their pet a Valentine’s Day gift.

Staggering numbers! No doubt we love our pets, and with good reason!


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Sometimes, all you need to feel a little safer in troubling times is a hug.

These two pups were found on the streets of Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam, lost, scared but comforted by each other’s physical presence and the pictures of their journey have gone viral.

The two puppies were largely ignored by the city’s residents until they were taken in by two Buddhist nuns. They rescued them and brought them back to their temple where they could be given shelter and a home.

Even after being rescued, though, the hugging kept going! The bigger male pup continued to hold onto his female companion to make sure she was okay.

Nobody knows what these two have been through, but it’s nice to know they’re now safe and still looking out for each other!

Images via Daily Mail


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Most dogs, it seems, have a sixth sense for knowing when the people they love are down. In my experience, the dogs I’ve loved have always known when to comfort me when I’m upset. The same goes for this dog, Maggie, who was seen on security cameras comforting her fellow puppies according to a story in Shareably.

At Barkers Pet Motel and Grooming in Canada, employees noticed something interesting during a normal day of work on the security monitors…

A small litter of pups who had been restless earlier was being comforted by Maggie. Apparently, Maggie had snuck out of her own kennel and managed her way into the puppies’ in order to comfort them and make them feel better.

Maggie stuck by their side and stayed with them for the rest of the night!

Just goes to show how incredible dogs are at knowing when their companions need help.

Images via Shareably


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Sometimes with dogs one isn’t enough. For Lya Battle, there can never be enough.

Battle, who lives in Costa Rica, first decided to rescue dogs when visiting a shelter to buy food for her dog and saved a pup who was about to be put down.

According to The Dodo, the dog, named Diego was given to Battle who was told he wouldn’t survive much longer. Battle took Diego home who then lived four more happy years. From that point, it was her goal to save as many dogs as she could, seeing that Costa Rica doesn’t have a good infrastructure for rescues.

Battle, who had just inherited a farm of about 150-acres, took it upon herself to create a place where dogs could be safe and free.

Battle and her husband named the farm “Territorio de Zaguates” which means “Land of the Mutts,” and declared it a no-kill sanctuary for all dogs who need saving.

The dogs are supervised at all times and several are adopted each week.

“No matter how hard it’s been, it’s always been worthwhile,” Battle told The Dodo. “If something is terribly difficult, and it takes all you have — both materially and emotionally — but you still do it, that’s because you’ve found what really calls to you.”


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After over 264,000 Instagram followers and countless adorable pictures, Envy and Zain–the “hugging dogs”–are welcoming a new friend into their family!

Envy and Zain, who became huge hits on their owner’s Instagram account for their adorable tendency to hug on command, have welcome their new sibling Trek, who they hope to teach hug soon.

The pair have quite literally taken the pup under their wing…

Surely, he’ll catch on soon enough, and there will be plenty of canine love to go around!

You can follow their teaching process and watch Trek grow up on their human mom’s Instagram, @kelly_bove

Images via Kelly Bove



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Meet Loryn: a Golden Retriever who has grown up helping take care of her human mom’s farm.

Her owner, Andrea Holley says of Loryn, “She is truly a mother hen and takes in every baby we have here as her own,” according to an interview in The Dodo. Apparently Loryn takes her job as the mother hen of the farm very seriously–even to the point of fostering and taking care of the baby goats!

The farm’s goats–who are named Mia, Henry, Delilah, and Daisy Mae–took a quick liking to Loryn, cuddling up to her and vice versa.

“Goats are the most loving, easygoing creatures,” Holley told The Dodo. “They loved Loryn right away. They are together all day, every day.”

The goats are still very young and need to be taken care of closely in their pen, and Loryn has taken that job very seriously.

“Loryn is my right-hand man and always helps corral the babies when we’re outside or round them up while playing inside,” Holley said. “She most definitely thinks they are her babies.”


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Even though he’s not in office anymore, former Vice President Joe Biden may have met his match: a Golden Retriever puppy named “Biden.”

What’s more? The pup’s human mother is a Republican staffer.

The owner, who identified only as “Sydney” when talking to the Huffington Post, said she named the Golden after the Vice Prez because he was her favorite politician, even from across party lines.

Sydney described Biden as a pure “DC dog” and his rapidly growing Instagram page confirms it! The canine Biden has been photographed in the Capitol, in the rotunda, and on the floor of the senate!

Even though Biden the pup and Biden the human have their ideological differences, who could resist the bond they share?

Images via @bidenthegolden


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There’s nothing quite like huge dogs snuggling together–nor is there anything like those same dogs cuddled up with a tiny pooch. In their eyes, they’re all the same.

That’s why this video of a Pomeranian and two Newfoundlands keeping each other warm is to die for. It would be one thing if this spry Pomeranian were snuggled against a single Newfoundland, but two? Luckily with the size difference there’s enough space for all to keep warm.

The video, which was posted to Rumble by user MollytheNewfie, notes: “Molly the Newfoundland is so tired she doesn’t care that she is getting squished by her much younger but bigger brother Boomer! Lady the Pomeranian is also present and enjoying the company.”

Check out the video below!

Source: Adorable snuggle party for trio of dogs by MollyTheNewfie on Rumble


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