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By: Brooke Hoese


They’re easily the most photogenic breed

A photo posted by Doberman Pinschers (@doberman_pinschers) on


And definitely one of the goofiest

A photo posted by Maggda_K (@maggda_k) on


And most cuddly goes without saying

A photo posted by @storm_miska_dobermann on


Even though they have an intimidating reputation, they can be pretty shy

A photo posted by @mariocles on


And… well… Pictures speak a thousand words

A photo posted by Rei Tan (@rei_tan) on


They’ve got the cutest lil teefs


And won’t even try to stop you from keeping them clean


They clean up well


Like, really well

A photo posted by Bella Snuggs (@b_snuggs) on


And you know that two are better than one


Check it Out!



Because no other creature on this earth could ever have compelled you to describe wrinkles as “cute”


Bulldog squads are ultimate squad goals


They’re all smiles!


Well…. Kinda…


He’s smiling on the inside. I promise.


They’re very fashion forward


Like, very, very fashion forward


And they are, of course, the picture of elegance and class




They’re always up for a bit of an adventure

A photo posted by Kiddle (@kiddlethebulldog) on


And always always up to stay in

A photo posted by Charlie brown (@mr_chaarles_) on


But whatever you’re doing, they’ll never leave your side

A photo posted by Sir_Humphrey (@sir_humphrey) on


Check it Out!


First off, they’re easily some of the coolest looking dogs around


And their smiles are the best, by far

A photo posted by Thorsten (@thoro16) on


Because they’re just really genuinely sweet dogs


And they’re certainly just as adorably funny looking in puppy form


Figuring out a Halloween costume is always easy. You know. Cause of this guy.

A photo posted by Chad H. (@chadlovesmariah) on


(But you can still rock a more original costume)

A photo posted by Tripp (@l.i.f.e.s.a.t.r.i.p.p) on


They’ve got playful spirits


And curious minds

A photo posted by Iva Buchert (@minimummel) on


They’ll always be more than happy to go on an adventure with you

A photo posted by @bullterrierlovers on


And you’re always more than happy to have them

A photo posted by @jenzey_ebt on


Check it Out!

They’re the actual goofiest dogs around


Like painfully so


It’s honestly ridiculous

A photo posted by Lee (@leroyspurs) on


But behind all the layers of goof (and believe me there are many), they’re all also secret models

A photo posted by @alicethegoon on


Well. Sometimes


But they’re also ridiculously sweet

A photo posted by Norma Sophia (@nenasoph1a) on


And sometimes they look intimidating. Which is great because they can help keep away bad guys


And you know that really, their personality is more like a gentle babysitter/baby

A photo posted by Brooke Mynatt (@brookemynatt) on


Emphasis on the baby


But whatever your reason, you know you love them

A video posted by Miss ? (@aa_garden_of_eden) on


And you know they love you too


Check it Out!

They’re always smiling


And even when they’re not, whatever expression they have is just as good, if not better

A photo posted by @facesoffinn on


They’re always up for whatever you’re up for

A photo posted by @jennycarlsso on


Seriously, they’ll follow you anywhere

A photo posted by @fenwickbalances on


They’re so kind natured, they’ll put up with all of your shenanigans


Even the shenanigans including small, slimy things

A photo posted by Pequeña Baci (@esti_baci) on


They’re very fashionable

A photo posted by Archie (@archthebordercollie) on


Like, very


At the end of the day, they’re team players, and make a great part of any furry family

A photo posted by natsumi (@rieru0124) on




Or small

A photo posted by @tjeltus_ on


They’ll give you all they’ve got

A video posted by nerrida (@nerridaparfitt) on


Check it Out!


They have the absolute best smiles

A photo posted by Vic Payne (@vicpayne) on


Like, the very best

A photo posted by Abby (@abby.doggy) on


They’re always up for an adventure


But they also know when to chill out


They’re always ready and willing to play

A photo posted by danto ? (@dantodog) on


Even if their heart isn’t entirely in it

A photo posted by ᗪEᐯIᑎ (@devinbradshaw) on


They’ll put up with all your shenanigans

A photo posted by @shortykins19 on


They’re crazy photogenic


And they’re incredibly gentle with everyone

A photo posted by @tylergzp on


And everything


Check it Out!


Since our country’s founding, American soldiers have bravely fought for our freedom


And for every step of the way dogs have fought alongside them

A photo posted by BossDogs™ (@bossdogsco) on


Memorial Day, celebrated on the last Monday of May, originated as Decoration Day in the years following the civil war.

A photo posted by Military dogs (@military.dogs) on


It was established as a federal holiday in 1971, and has remained widely celebrated since then

A photo posted by Alexander Ayers (@frogger2122) on


It’s used as a day to honor veterans still with us, and remember those who have passed


So here’s to the servicemen and women who keep our country safe

A photo posted by Military dogs (@military.dogs) on


And the dogs who are with them through it all


Canine or human, let’s take a minute to honor our nation’s heroes


And thank them for all they have done


Check it Out!

This crazy detailed Chihuahua

A photo posted by Mini Lau (@hktattoo_mini) on


This macabre corgi



This suave fellow 


This tiny little pal


This intricate linework


This eye catching watercolor


This touching tribute


This lil space cadet


This colorful cutie


This silent onlooker


This hipster Frenchie


This simple portrait

A photo posted by @gcdacunha on


This geometric stunner


This masterful sketch


This snoozing bully

A photo posted by SANGAEO (@sangaeo) on


This teeny tiny poof


This… cupcake head?

A photo posted by Dano Collins (@danocollins) on


This regal portrait


Hey, we were all thinking it.


Check it Out!




Floof with giraffe!

A photo posted by msbexya (@msbexya) on


Outdoor floof!


Standing car floof.

A photo posted by viccc123 (@viccc123) on


Resting car floof!

A photo posted by Milow & Lila ? (@milow_lila) on


Tiny floof!

A photo posted by @rosasdf on


Twin floof.


Chew floof!

A photo posted by Mocha Bear? (@mocha_family) on


Tiny howling floof!


Model floof


Rope toy floof!

A photo posted by DJ Hunter (@princephotogllc) on


Sleeping floof!


Grumpy floof.


Bathtime floof


Heartbutt floof!!!

A photo posted by Khloe (@khloe_therottie) on


Check it Out!


“But aren’t they dangerous?”

A photo posted by @dylan_and_gracie on



“Do you trust them around kids?”



“But they’re mean dogs, right?”



“They just make me uncomfortable.”

A photo posted by Kelsey Harshman (@harshmaek) on

Too bad


“They’re instinctively violent.”

That’s hilarious you’re hilarious.


“They should be banned.”



“They have locking jaws.”

A photo posted by Hi I’m Ben (@ben.pitbull) on

That’s not even a thing.


“They can’t be around other dogs.”

You’re right. Way too cuddly.


“They can’t be around other animals.”



“They’ll turn on you one day.”

A photo posted by Ana Rojas (@anapaula1214) on

I’ll take my chances.


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