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By: Brooke Hoese



For starters, they’re just adorable


And very affectionate, too

Tá desculpado…

A photo posted by Salomão (@salomonicos) on


Truly, no one has mastered the art of cuddles quite like the Rottweiler


Plus they’re relatable. What parent hasn’t made that face at their kid before?


But that doesn’t mean they’re not great with kids


And they’re so talented too!

A photo posted by Toni Kokkinen (@tonikokkinen) on


Not to mention they will open doors for many a funny t-shirt opportunity


But farting or otherwise, you know they’ll stick with you


Through thick and thin

A photo posted by Miralem Golic (@miralemgolic) on


They won’t leave your side


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Given their fearsome reputation, they’re sort of like preemptive bodyguards when you go on walks

A photo posted by Voula Parisis (@miss_vee_516) on


Meanwhile, you get to go home and reap all the sweet benefits


Because they really are so sweet


They’ll take care of their kids, and yours too.


They know how to kick back and relax


And cool off on a hot summer day

A photo posted by Shelby (@dandyelion) on


And definitely how to have fun

A photo posted by Maya (@mayami21) on


Plus they’re just straight up pretty

Whether basking in the great outdoors

A photo posted by Hendrik Kautz (@heni_ka) on


Or kicking it back inside

A photo posted by Isabo (@isapitty) on


It’s not hard for these bullies to steal hearts (and beds)

A photo posted by Justin Hargis (@jrh_8362) on


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They’re basically giant teddy bears

A photo posted by FNL (@notoriousnewfs) on


There’s definitely no one better to cuddle with

A photo posted by Violet (@theworkingviolet) on


Plus when they’re little, they’re basically just poofs


Not that much changes when they grow up

A photo posted by Chuck Holtzen (@mychucksview) on


Also they make going on walks very easy


And they make mini photoshoots that much better

A photo posted by Mariah (@mariahtlili) on


And art, too


And they’re always there to give you a laugh

A photo posted by Oliver (@olliethenewfie) on


Plus they’re always up for an adventure


Especially if it involves water

A photo posted by Monica Nordnes (@monicanordnes) on


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They’re the original gentle giants


And so lovably goofy



But that doesn’t mean they can’t be pretty cool too


They’re always up for a car ride somewhere new

A photo posted by Chunk (@sir___chunkerton) on


Or a good long nap


And they’ll always greet you with a smile

A photo posted by Gaston (@gaston_bajadogue) on


You know that walking down the street with them means no one will mess with you


Because for some reason they have a bit of a fearsome reputation

A photo posted by Roef ?? (@rufus_aka_roef) on


But you know that really, they’re all cuddles


Well, usually.

A photo posted by Alfred (@alfred_the_dogue) on


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They’re probably the most loving breed out there


They love the snow!

A photo posted by ? Prince ? (@yellowlabprince) on


They love the great outdoors!

A photo posted by @esterroelofs on


They love naps!


They love swimming!


They love sticks!

A photo posted by Nina ? (@ninathecanina) on




Car rides!

A photo posted by Janak033 (@janak033) on


Tennis balls!




And people!


And we can’t help but love them back


Check it Out!

They’re ridiculously majestic

A photo posted by Ayla ? (@ayla_husky) on


Not to mention photogenic

A photo posted by grayson (@graywoof) on


And so, so cute

A photo posted by Michael (@michaelm083) on


They make great family dogs

A photo posted by @lyanametreveli on


Or great adventuring buddies

A photo posted by Jo An (@joan_jz) on


Cause really they’re up for anything


Rain (snow)


Or shine

A photo posted by Sierra (@sierra_theminihusky) on


Or just staying in and relaxing


They’ll never leave your side

A photo posted by Gavin (@kinggavsgallery) on


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They embody #squadgoals

A photo posted by Vinessa Antoine (@vantoine) on


And are the gentlest of giants


Though they’re often unaware of just how giant they really are

A photo posted by @finnegan_the_dane on


But big dogs mean big snoots and who wouldn’t want to give that a big ol’ kiss?



They’re crazy friendly

A photo posted by chance seitz (@lastchanceseitz) on


And equally as helpful


And fashionable to boot


Like, straight up doggy couture


But that doesn’t mean they don’t know how to be goofy


Plus they have the best smiles

A photo posted by Trixie & Ella (@laptitejutras) on


With a dog so full of love

A photo posted by Lisa Bell (@nerdbiskit) on


And so loyal


Who else could you ever want by your side?


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They’re pretty much the original family dog

A photo posted by Nash ?er (@iamnashnyc) on


Human family or otherwise

A photo posted by @tombultosbaga on


Plus they’re crazy photogenic

A photo posted by @lindaszygenda on


And totally hip and with it


Not to mention always willing to help with yardwork

A photo posted by @wranglerandcooper on


Indoor chores, too!


Really they’re willing to go along with pretty much anything


Like getting down and dirty in the mud

A photo posted by Mozzie Bear ? (@mozzie.bear) on


Going on crazy adventures


Or being straight up pampered


Because really, they know how to be classy

A photo posted by Rachel Jade (@rachelwarneke) on


But most importantly, no matter what you’re doing


Or where you’re going

A photo posted by Washington Santana (@washiss) on


You know they’ll be by your side

A photo posted by @luckythegolden on


All their life


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They’re crazy smart

A photo posted by Koda (@koda_puppy_) on


Most of the time


They’re definitely goofs, that’s for sure


Extremely lovable goofs

A photo posted by @nella.the.gsd on


And contrary to popular belief, they can look pretty unique


They’re always up for an adventure

A photo posted by Sasha (@gsd__sasha) on


And always down to make new friends

A photo posted by Sinikkanappi (@kettunappi) on


They make great babysitters

A photo posted by Britta K (@britta_gsd) on


They’re also pretty great babies

A photo posted by Kiss Viktória (@vikoc_kiss) on


In fact, they’re just really great


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They’re ridiculously cute

A photo posted by @thefrenchielove on


And they always do their best to stay active. #yoga


They’re very intelligent


And the absolute cuddliest

A photo posted by Carlos (@_carlos_the_frenchie) on


They’re the ultimate #squad


They’re total fashionistas

A photo posted by @bandc_outfitters on


But they’re also pretty goofy

A photo posted by mika (@mika_thefrenchbulldog) on


Like, extremely so


Because really they’ll go along with anything


But that doesn’t mean they don’t know how to work their angles


Check it Out!