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By: Brooke Hoese


When your alarm goes off for the first time

A photo posted by Amy Menefee (@amy.menefee) on


And the fifth

A photo posted by Teddy (@teddytheturkeydog) on


And tenth

A photo posted by peteythehusky (@peteythehusky) on


When you finally pull yourself out of bed and wonder where you would be without coffee


And when you force yourself to put on your clothes for work


Everyone’s general mood once they get out of the house, and immediately regret all decisions


Once you get in the car and start driving to work, this is your face the whole way there


And when you’re actually at work, the chances of you getting anything done are slim to none


Eventually, you get home, and immediately flop back into your bed

A photo posted by Daisy Su (@daisysu) on


And goodness knows there’s nowhere you’d rather be


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This pretty lady who’s just taking it all in


And this little guy who’s getting all in it

A photo posted by @good_dr_salt on


This fashionista, who likes to keep things simple with understated fall colors


And this festive pug who prefers to dress up as her one true idol, the thanksgiving turkey.


These perky pilgrims


A photo posted by The Doggie Nanny (@doggienanny) on


And this lil guy who just wants dinner to start already


This tiny one who’s taking the cooking upon herself

A photo posted by Nova ???? (@novas_nirvana) on


This pup who’s more of a fan of decorating than eating


These models who are too busy looking fabulous to bother with dinner or décor


And last but not least, this bulldog who firmly believes that you don’t need to wait for thanksgiving to have a proper fall feast


Recently this photo of a husky stuck in a coconut tree was posted on the internet.

Who could ever be sure how exactly this happened

Who could ever be sure how exactly this happened

And, as tends to happen with goofy photos, this poor lil pup became the victim (or star?) of some pretty funky editing jobs. Here are some of the best


A la Miley Cyrus

The photoshop experts of the internet certainly came in like wrecking balls on this one


A Noble Steed

Little known fact: huskies can use other huskies for all their transportation needs



Even better, the huskies can just join forces and make us humans do all the work


A fun day at the carnival

Who knew this little puppy was such an accomplished horeseback rider


Husky Pupper

Everyone’s favorite quidditch star


Feelin spooky

I wonder if he still has a black cat


A strongmanhusky

Do you even lift, bro?


Livin’ in the moment

He’s a real thrill seeker


Gotta earn them dolla billz

But a hard worker, too


We ride at dawn

You know you’ve hit the peak of internet fame when you’re photoshopped in with Putin






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It seems like everyone knows the risk that chocolate poses to dogs from an early age, but there’s more than one item in your kitchen that could harm your furry friends, some of which are pretty surprising



A negative reactions to grapes is well documented in dogs. Though the exact substance that causes the reaction is not yet known, even small amounts can cause kidney failure and sometimes prove fatal. While every dog is affected differently, some not being affected at all, it’s better safe than sorry with this one.




Onions contain a compound that can damage red blood cells in dogs causing them to become weaker and move around less. If enough onions are consumed, a blood transfusion might be necessary. If you think your dog may have eaten onions, be sure to monitor their behavior carefully.



Avocado leaves, pits, bark and fruit contain a toxin called persin. Avocados can have toxic effects on dogs depending on the variety. They can cause upset stomachs in dogs, breathing difficulties, and fluid buildup in the chest.



Cinnamon and its oils can irritate the inside of pets’ mouths, making them uncomfortable and sick. It can lower a dog’s blood sugar too much and can lead to diarrhea, vomiting, increased, or decreased heart rate and even liver disease. If they inhale it in powder form, cinnamon can cause difficulty breathing, coughing, and choking.




Like onions, leeks, and chives, garlic is part of the Allium family, and is five times more toxic to dogs than the rest of the Allium plants. Garlic can create anemia in dogs, causing side effects such as pale gums, elevated heart rate, weakness, and collapsing. Poisoning from garlic and onions may have delayed symptoms, so if you think your dog may have eaten some, monitor him or her for a few days, not just right after consumption.


Apple cores and seeds

Though a dog may enjoy a few bites of apple for a sweet treat, the seeds contain cyanide in amounts too small to affect humans, but enough to have devastating effects on some dogs.



I know, I know. Apologize to your dog for me but in spite of bacon’s undeniable deliciousness, it really shouldn’t be fed to your dog. Foods rich in fat, like bacon, can lead to the disease pancreatitis in dogs. Once a dog has developed pancreatitis, their pancreas can become inflamed and stop functioning correctly. Maybe stick to beggin strips.


Products containing xylitol

Xylitol is used as a sweetener in many products, including gum, candy, baked goods and toothpaste. It can cause insulin release in most species, which can lead to liver failure. The increase in insulin leads to hypoglycemia (lowered sugar levels). Initial signs of toxicosis include vomiting, lethargy and loss of coordination. Signs can progress to seizures. Elevated liver enzymes and liver failure can be seen within a few days. This sneaky sweetener can also hide out in products like peanut butter, so be sure to check all ingredients.


Macadamia nuts

These are some of the most poisonous foods for dogs. Macadamia nuts, part of the Protaceae family, and can cause vomiting, increased body temperature, inability to walk, lethargy, and vomiting. Even worse, they can affect the nervous system. Avoid macadamia nuts and be sure to pick up any and all that may fall on the ground.


Dairy products (yes, even cheese)

Canines don’t digest dairy very well, and many even have a slight intolerance to lactose, a sugar found in milk products. Dairy products, can cause problems if consumed in excess. Symptoms like gas, diarrhea and vomiting can all occur if a dog consumes too much dairy.





Check it Out!



This owner who dressed up as his dog’s favorite toy for Halloween, making all of his wildest dreams come true.




This sweet pup who happily took in some orphaned possums, even letting them ride on her back as they would with their birth mom



This sweet pomeranian who acts as a seeing eye dog for her best friend



This yellow lab trying her hardest to fill up her pool



And last but not least, this sweet bully bonding with a new baby


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For starters, you know it’s impossible to take a bad photo of them


But you also know how easy it is to take a goofy photo of them


Cause boy are they goofy

A photo posted by Vibbe (@dreamshovel) on


They’re crazy athletic


And you know they’re always ready to play


You always know you can trust them around kids (of all species)

A photo posted by Oscar (@oscarcocker) on


No, for real.

A photo posted by @_everything_dog_ on


And you’re all too familiar with their masterful camouflage skills 


You can always count on them to spend a day outdoors with you

A photo posted by Bowie (@bowiethespaniel) on


And know they’ll never leave your side

A photo posted by @cavalierpack on


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For starters, no we do not have 101 of them


(But sometimes we wish we did)


And while we like repping our Dalmatian love, we do not in fact sue them to make coats


There’s really no better babysitter

A photo posted by Amy Jenkins (@amychuckles) on


Or better partner in adventure

A photo posted by Tara (@desjatj81) on


You lost any hope of personal space a long time ago


But honestly, you don’t even really mind

A photo posted by @li_na2311 on


They never fail to make you laugh

A photo posted by Daniel ( on


And you know you’re always coming home to someone overjoyed to see you


Even if the home you’re coming back to is a little more chaotic for it


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For starters, the somewhat intimidating name isn’t all that accurate a representation

A photo posted by Diggy (@diggythehound) on


If anything, they usually blow you away by how ridiculously affectionate they are

A photo posted by Joan Seitz (@joan.seitz) on

They’re good with everyone and everything really


And you know for a fact that they make the best babysitters

A photo posted by Jess Lyon (@red_lady_33) on


They somehow make wrinkles really, really cute


Not to mention they’re natural models


Well usually. It’s like 50/50


They’re the best adventure partners you could ever hope for


Which isn’t to say they aren’t happy spending a day inside


But if you’re being honest, you usually have trouble keeping up with them


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For starters, they are the actual cutest dogs around


And crazy beautiful too

A photo posted by Krys Marie™ (@rawrrkrys) on


They’re the best adventuring buddy you could ask for

A photo posted by Jessie Fure (@jessiefure) on


Cause they love to be outside


They’re always happy to help in any way they can

A photo posted by Lindsay Braman (@curlylindsay) on


Especially if they’re helping catch pokemon

A photo posted by Porter (@porter_aussie) on


They’re some of the sweetest dogs you’ll ever meet


Especially with kids

A photo posted by Julia (@jhauser21) on


At one point you have to admit that they’re more athletic than you


And you know that no matter what, they’ll never leave your side


Check it Out!


People always assume that they all have that haircut

A photo posted by Urban Paws UK (@urbanpawsuk) on


Which isn’t at all true. Some keep it long

A photo posted by Pam (@pamthepoodle) on


And some prefer chop it all off

A photo posted by Iza The Poodle (@izathepoodle) on


Not that there’s anything with those who do opt for more traditional cuts, thank you very much


But whatever haircut you choose, grooming is of the utmost importance


Being a ~fancy~ dog breed doesn’t mean they aren’t as fun loving as all other dogs 

A photo posted by @sisterpearl on


Cause you know they’re always up for an adventure

A photo posted by Timothy Quinn (@timothyq21) on


They’re basically people

A photo posted by たかっぺ (@takapepe55) on


And for some reason, people always seem to underestimate how big they are


But despite their robust size, they’ll always be your baby


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