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By: Brooke Hoese



Cannot contain the excitement here




No plans to move for a while





A video posted by @maks_the_laika on


Somewhat apprehensive but she’ll learn to love it

A photo posted by Dexter DePaw (@dexterdepaw) on


Snow weather = Selfie weather

A photo posted by Patty Dog (@patty_the_dog) on


Just letting the neighbors know how pumped she is about the snow


Snowy hair don’t care


Tfw when you’re in your element 

A photo posted by Nicki Roshal (@nickiroshal) on


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Well they have to sit somewhere

A photo posted by Kellye Cates (@kellcates) on


SO it may as well be your lap

A photo posted by Alex Benson (@benson.821) on


Regardless of how comfortable it is for you

A photo posted by Jackie Kreidell (@jkreidell) on


Even if they’re bigger than you

A photo posted by Makayla (@coco_brewer_17) on


Or if they double team you

A photo posted by Tanya Reynolds (@comptonmom2) on


You’ve just gotta embrace it

A photo posted by Megan Dunn (@shut_up_meg__) on


It makes them happy

A photo posted by Erin (@onebizarreme_cosplay) on

And it probably makes you happy too

A photo posted by Randi Vanderwerff (@rkvander) on


Plus, they do it out of love


And where would we be without the love of man’s best friend?

A photo posted by Trina (@crookedtailtrina) on


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“If I don’t make eye contact she won’t know it’s me”

A video posted by Alex Roudoy (@alexroudoy) on


No caption needed

A photo posted by Liz Bazner (@askpliz) on


Hopefully whatever was on the end of this wasn’t that important


Who, me?

A photo posted by kika. (@kika_82_14) on


Good god woman. Anything but Pikachu.


If you act casual at the scene of the crime, it means you’re innocent. Right?


She’s so fancy


Listen, admitting to your crime does not make it better.


Bad 2 tha bone.

A photo posted by Melanie (@melwu3) on


Dog not pictured. Dog too busy running to where Santa will never find him.

A photo posted by Alicia (@whitegurlcray) on


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This golden who can barely keep her fluff in her pajamas


And this little pom who is just bursting out of her costume

A photo posted by *cool* (@cool_pom) on


This cutie bernese who is disappointed about the low visibility of his bowtie (it’s hidden in the fluff)


Two samoyeds or two marshmallows? We may never know. Maybe both.


We know lil guy. It’s hard to disguise yourself as a show when you’re that fluffy


Inspirational floof levels

A photo posted by moemoe (@moemiyuryu) on


You know it’s out of hand when you have to resort to hairbands to keep it in check

A photo posted by JungleBunny ( on


This floof clearly takes after his human


Puddle of floof.


Okay so not very fluffy yet, but look at her there’s so much potential


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At first glance this guy looks like he’s got a case of the Monday’s but he actually just had a run in with a bee. Not sure which is worse.

A photo posted by Bentley (@bostonbentley_) on


As long as you can keep one eye open, it’s still very possible to convey how mad you are about the whole situation

A photo posted by Mishka ( on


Something in his mouth? Nope just a bee sting.


Alright if we’re being honest Sharpeis with and without beestings are virtually indistinguishable but we still feel for the little guy


If life were a videogame you would probably have to battle this dog. And then the bee.

A photo posted by Calderon (@_lift.laugh.love_) on


Big snoot

A photo posted by ???? (@patronus814) on


Bigger snoot


Biggest snoot

A photo posted by Daisy (@daisy_theyellowlab) on


This poor pup paid the highest price for his run in with a bee. The cone of shame.



A photo posted by Samantha Jamieson (@samzyxo) on


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Photographer Topher Brody has a special bond with his dog Rosenberg. He wrote on Instagram that becoming Rosenberg’s dad helped him learn how rewarding it can be to give and receive affection, and told The Dodo that the two look so similar, dressing in matching outfits (and documenting it) just made sense.

Here are our 10 favorite snaps of the duo



A photo posted by Topher Brophy (@topherbrophy) on



A photo posted by Topher Brophy (@topherbrophy) on



A photo posted by Topher Brophy (@topherbrophy) on



A photo posted by Topher Brophy (@topherbrophy) on



A photo posted by Topher Brophy (@topherbrophy) on



A photo posted by Topher Brophy (@topherbrophy) on



A photo posted by Topher Brophy (@topherbrophy) on



A photo posted by Topher Brophy (@topherbrophy) on



A photo posted by Topher Brophy (@topherbrophy) on



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A photo posted by Lucielle Bull (@lucyfarted) on

Lucy is a tech savvy pup whose bio lets everyone know her favorite food (which is a popsicle candy that’s watermelon flavored with chili on it)



A photo posted by Marnie The Dog (@marniethedog) on

Marnie is a 15 year old shih tzu who loves walking, parties, and hates being alone.



A photo posted by Menswear Dog (@mensweardog) on

Mensweardog is a handsome shibe described as “the most fashionable dog in the world”



Backham is a three year old Samoyed who prides herself on becoming a CA champion at 9 months old.



A photo posted by @tobypuff on

Toby is a 2 year old chow chow who loves both strawberries and snoring



Molly is a newfoundland who lives happily with Boomer, another Newfie, and Lady, a Pomeranian.



A photo posted by Doug The Pug (@itsdougthepug) on

Self-proclaimed King of Pop Culture. What else do you need to know?



Smiley was born blind, and happily works as a therapy dog with St. John Ambulance



Tuna is a little chiweenie with an overbite almost as big as his personality



Sir Charles Barkley is a four year old bulldog and cooler than you could ever hope to be



A photo posted by RAMSEY ????® (@bluestaffy) on

Ramsey is a Staffordshire bull terrier (more commonly known as pit bulls) from England, who is proudto show the true nature of his beautiful breed



A photo posted by Tazzy & The Pack (@tazzydw2) on

Tazz is an Australian shepherd who claims to also be ½ bunny



Buddha is kind hearted Doberman who loves spending time with his favorite human, Siena



Chutney and Branston are two miniature dachshunds who share a love of getting into trouble



Goldilocksandthewolf follow Husky Kyro and his human Amanda on their “journey to escape the ordinary



A photo posted by Prince (@princetopherpupper) on

Prince is a 4 year old schipperke mix. His biggest claim to fame? Belonging to the lady who wrote this.




Check it Out!


This pup who just really identifies with Santa


And this one who just wants to be Santa’s helper

A photo posted by Lilo (@lilo.thespoodle) on


This big ol’ woofer who was overjoyed (we promise) to be able to pick out a tree

A photo posted by @tobypuff on


This one who got a little carried away in decorating the tree

A photo posted by Laura Wilder (@laurawilder92) on


And this one who became the tree

A photo posted by Miguel Turco (@miguel_turco) on


This lovely lab who believes that everything, including all people and pets, need decoration

A photo posted by Moose (@moose_oso) on


This pup who just can’t wait for ABC Family to play her favorite Christmas movie (hint: it involves a fuzzy green thing and a dog who dresses up as a reindeer)


This poor thing who’s only really excited because her Christmas gift is taking her cone off


And this beagle who says Christmas be damned- I’m opening my gifts NOW

A photo posted by @rizzo_thebeagle on


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You may have seen this viral photo of a tiny little dog choosing to accompany a long distance runner, and heard about how it decided to accompany him on a 22 mile leg of a 100 mile race


But what you may not have heard is how the story ended, or rather that it isn’t quite over yet.

Dion Leonard, an extreme marathoner from Scotland, was competing in a 6-stage, 7-day race through the Gobi Desert, and it just so happened that a small stray dog who had been living near the starting point had decided to participate as well.

At the end of the first day, the dog had finished the 22-mile stretch alongside the other runners. The next day she decided to run again, this time choosing to remain beside Leonard the whole way. After that, Leonard and the little dog, which he named Gobi, were inseparable for the entire race. By then, Leonard knew that he had to bring Gobi home to Scotland with him.

Knowing this would take a considerable amount of time and paperwork, Leonard left Gobi in the hands of a trusted friend. But soon after he returned to Scotland he received the news Gobi had gone missing, and got back to China to look for her as soon as he could.

Despite the large amount of stray dogs in the area Leonard refused to give up hope, passing out flyers and searching tirelessly for his beloved companion. It wasn’t long before someone recognized Gobi from the flyer, contacted Leonard, and the two were reunited.


Leonard told the BBC “When we got there, I walked through the door and she came running towards me and ran around my legs and jumped up on me. It was love again at immediate sight. I’m going to try to do two things tonight: try not to cry and not to swear, I’m so excited. It’s one of the best days of my life.”

It will be quite a while before Gobi is able to make the trip to Scotland, but until then, Leonard has vowed not to leave China until she can go with him. You can follow their story on their Facebook page and even contribute to their crowdfunder, the goal for which has been met, but the site explains that “Leftover funds will be utilised to support other dog charities/shelters details of which are still to be determined.”



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Indulging your dog in a few table scraps is always hard to resist, especially on a food oriented holiday like Thanksgiving. Here’s a comprehensive guide to all the classic thanksgiving dishes, and which you can and can’t give your dogs



This may seem obvious, but just to put everyone’s minds at ease, yes. Turkey is absolutely safe for your dog to eat. Just be sure not to give them pieces with skin or fat.


Green beans-MAYBE

Plain old boiled green beans can make a nutritious and yummy snack for your dog, but try to avoid giving them green bean casserole, which can be loaded with ingredients your dog is better off without


Mashed Potatoes-NO

While there’s nothing particularly harmful in potatoes, they’re full of empty carbs that your dog doesn’t need. And when they’re heavy on butter, gravy, sour cream, or any other



Many different stuffing recipes contain things like mushrooms, onions, sage, leeks, chives, garlic, scallions all of which can be toxic to dogs


Cranberry sauce-NO

Yes, it’s delicious, and yes, cranberries in and of themselves aren’t particularly toxic. But the average cranberry sauce contains way too much sugar than your dog is likely to handle.


Pumpkin Pie-NO, but…

While you shouldn’t serve your dog a slice of pumpkin pie smothered in whipped cream, you can give your dog a spoonful of pumpkin puree, which is not only a tasty treat, but an extremely healthy one too!


Happy Paw-lidays!




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