If you think it’s hot outside – your dog probably agrees… plus some.

You know the basics:  Don’t leave your dog in a hot car. Don’t let your dog sit outside for long periods of time in the heat. Make sure your dog has enough water.

It’s important to go beyond the basics, especially when it comes to the Bully Breed.

A photo posted by Bullyfambam (@bullyfambam) on

Don’t just make sure your bully gets enough water – who doesn’t love ice water when it’s hot outside? Put ice in their dish, and let them snack on the frozen cubes… they’ll appreciate it.

More on H2O – invest in a kiddie pool even if your pup is the only kiddo in the family.  It can work wonders in the summer.

A photo posted by Julia ?? (@mimithebooty) on

Sure, your four-legged bully-buddy loves going for strolls & you can’t stand how adorable it is when just saying the word gets a reaction.

When the temperatures are high, keep the walking distance short and watch your dog’s behavior closely. Your pup’s safety is more important than the ‘W’ word.

When thinking about the safety of your bully… think outside of their world.

Be careful when it comes to the treatment & chemicals that keep your grass green and weeds away. Give it a solid 24 hours before allowing your dog to roll around out in the yard.

Use this image as a good barometer for the heat of asphalt:




Enjoy the summertime & let your bully do the same – responsibly.


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