People always assume that they all have that haircut

A photo posted by Urban Paws UK (@urbanpawsuk) on


Which isn’t at all true. Some keep it long

A photo posted by Pam (@pamthepoodle) on


And some prefer chop it all off

A photo posted by Iza The Poodle (@izathepoodle) on


Not that there’s anything with those who do opt for more traditional cuts, thank you very much


But whatever haircut you choose, grooming is of the utmost importance


Being a ~fancy~ dog breed doesn’t mean they aren’t as fun loving as all other dogs 

A photo posted by @sisterpearl on


Cause you know they’re always up for an adventure

A photo posted by Timothy Quinn (@timothyq21) on


They’re basically people

A photo posted by たかっぺ (@takapepe55) on


And for some reason, people always seem to underestimate how big they are


But despite their robust size, they’ll always be your baby


Check it Out!