This is Lily.  Lily the Bulldog started out in a not so good environment.

She was the runt of the litter.  She was bossed around, teased, and abandoned.

That is until her current Bully Mom rescued her from the trashcan she was living in as a 5-month old puppy.  The trauma of Lily’s experience of living in that trashcan stuck with her though – and as a result she is very cautious and nervous around people.

But her mom found the solution – a turtle suit.  That’s right, a turtle suit!

See, once the turtle suit goes on, Lily is a whole new Bulldog.  Fearless and brave – Lily channels her inner Ninja-turle.

I can just hear her cries of “Cowabunga Dude!” from here.

It’s amazing that a Bulldog can find an alter ego in a turtle costume.  But hey, whatever comforts this sweet girl works for us!


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