They embody #squadgoals

A photo posted by Vinessa Antoine (@vantoine) on


And are the gentlest of giants


Though they’re often unaware of just how giant they really are

A photo posted by @finnegan_the_dane on


But big dogs mean big snoots and who wouldn’t want to give that a big ol’ kiss?



They’re crazy friendly

A photo posted by chance seitz (@lastchanceseitz) on


And equally as helpful


And fashionable to boot


Like, straight up doggy couture


But that doesn’t mean they don’t know how to be goofy


Plus they have the best smiles

A photo posted by Trixie & Ella (@laptitejutras) on


With a dog so full of love

A photo posted by Lisa Bell (@nerdbiskit) on


And so loyal


Who else could you ever want by your side?


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