First off, they’re easily some of the coolest looking dogs around


And their smiles are the best, by far

A photo posted by Thorsten (@thoro16) on


Because they’re just really genuinely sweet dogs


And they’re certainly just as adorably funny looking in puppy form


Figuring out a Halloween costume is always easy. You know. Cause of this guy.

A photo posted by Chad H. (@chadlovesmariah) on


(But you can still rock a more original costume)

A photo posted by Tripp (@l.i.f.e.s.a.t.r.i.p.p) on


They’ve got playful spirits


And curious minds

A photo posted by Iva Buchert (@minimummel) on


They’ll always be more than happy to go on an adventure with you

A photo posted by @bullterrierlovers on


And you’re always more than happy to have them

A photo posted by @jenzey_ebt on


Check it Out!