You include them in all your holiday celebrations

A photo posted by Mike Ritland (@mritland) on


And make sure they get their very own

A photo posted by Cooper (@cooper_thegsd) on


You know that in their truest form, they’re all fairies in flower crowns

A photo posted by Jasmine Pearson (@jazzypear25) on


Photos become photoshoots

A photo posted by shazzarina (@shazzarina92) on


Because you make sure they’re always looking their best

A photo posted by Leyycorn (@leyycorn) on


They are your main muse


And you buy them all the coolest gear


You include them in everything

A photo posted by Nero Vicona (@germannerovicona) on


Especially your adventures

A photo posted by Merlin & Zeus (@merlin_zeus) on


Because really, it wouldn’t be the same without them

A photo posted by Devon H. (@dev_hip) on


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