All dogs have a special toy that is their ultimate favorite…but do are they TOO attached to their toys?

1. This pup never lets his stuffed toy out of his sights.

A photo posted by Paige (@paige.designer) on


2. Jetty the Golden Retriever loves his hamburger toy, for obvious reasons.


A photo posted by Jetty (@thegrumpygolden) on


3. “Yeah, let me go ahead and get that from you…”



4. Fonzie cannot live without his seahorse friend.


A photo posted by @staygoldfonz on


5. “I have a dinosaur…what do YOU have?”


A photo posted by Tiny Krew (@tinykrew) on


6. “Don’t even THINK about trying to touch my hedgehog.”


A photo posted by Loni Broesch (@bluekayak22) on


7. Lacy found a super huge rawhide bone, and immediately showed it off to her Yorkie pal.


A photo posted by Nicki Kominek (@nkominek) on


8. “OMG I GOT A DROID!!!!!!”


A photo posted by @beaschalantasyoulike on


9. Lila’s favorite chew toy is a simple yet perfect bone.


A photo posted by Lila Jane (@lil_lila_jane) on


10. Fletcher the Huskie would NEVER let his stuffed pheasant go.


A photo posted by Fletcher (@fletcherthehusky) on

11. “Ya know, I WOULD let you have one of these toys, but I need all of them right now because I love them.”



12. Casper plans on unravelling this rope toy piece by piece.


A photo posted by Tiny Krew (@tinykrew) on


13. “How can I pick just one???”


A photo posted by Kara_D_1 (@kara_d_1) on


14. This German Shepherd will do whatever it takes to protect his special chicken.


A photo posted by @vtwinted on


15. “If loving my toys is wrong, I don’t want to be right.”


A photo posted by Lucy Lou (@lucylouyorkiepoo) on


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