1. Best smile goes to…

2. Rain or shine… Labradors will take you for a walk; poncho for both included.

3. No one tell this Labrador it’s a towel. From now on, it’s a cape and he is a Super Labrador.

4. Sometimes we all need that little push to get up and get a bit of exercise. Labradors (especially

this one) will give you a friendly reminder to get off your booty.

5. If there was ever a Labrador that made a cat wonder more about what the heck he was doing… This Labrador wins.

A video posted by danasign (@danasign) on

6. This Labrador helped out the Best Breed Nomination based on its allowance of buddy-napping.

7. When your Labrador leads the way, it’s always an adventure.

A photo posted by Piper (@piper_yellowlab) on

8. Labradors have a way of making you feel special – no matter what. This lab was doing his doggy duty of laughing at his humans jokes.

A photo posted by jhonycharry (@jhonycharry) on

9. Labradors do not turn their nose up at the idea of sleeping in some fresh air… in a tent.

A photo posted by Piper (@piper_yellowlab) on

10. There are not many labs (or people) who look this good, this close up.

A photo posted by danasign (@danasign) on

11. Labradors are always the logical ones. This Lab obviously thinks his dog friend is looking desperate and is ruining their chances at getting a snack.

12. Best ‘peek-at-you-eyes’ go to…

13. We all love the back rest of beach chairs, right? This Lab is more comfortable than you ever will be on one of them.

A photo posted by Diesel (@dieselthelab_) on

14. A Labrador showing moral support for another four-legged friend? Winner.

15. Plays well with others and stands his ground.

16. Black, Brown, Yellow or otherwise… they don’t discriminate.

A photo posted by Jenny Minto (@jennyminto89) on

17. Labs have the ability to look into your soul… or at least appear to.

18. Show us another breed who synchronized swim… please, we want you to. Until then…Labradors win.

A photo posted by Joanne Bonar (@labsnob) on


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