feature image source


1. American Bulldogs drool. A lot. But you don’t care – In fact, you secretly like it (don’t you?)

Source: http://blog.bullymake.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/j6SQD33.jpg


2. There’s nothing like a game of tug-of-war for these pups.

Source: YTIMG


3. They are beastly.  And it’s awesome.

source: Roadogsandrescue


4. A yawn tempts you to poke their tongue with your finger. (And you probably do it, too). Weirdo.

Source: Shankyouverymuch


5. American Bulldogs are too smart for their own good.

Source: deafdogsrock


7. American Bulldogs are incredibly proud. And it’s badass.


Source: BlogSpot


8. And it makes you feel proud too.

Source: DailyMAil


9. Just look at those luscious lips.  You love ’em.

Source: StaticFlikr


10. But you also don’t mind that guilty face.  Unless they just destroyed your shoes.  Then you might be a little pissed.


11. You know the difference between toys that last, and those that don’t.

Source: EnglishBulldogBreeder


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12. Giving them a belly rub might be the best thing ever.

Source: Piterest


13. They make a good TV watching partner.

Original Source: Unknown


14. Bulldogs like to sit in things they probably shouldn’t.

Source: DogBreedInfo

15. They are the best cuddlers, we all know that.

source: tumblr


16. But they definitely don’t know how large they are.

Source: bulldogging


17. And even though they can get in lots of trouble…

Original Source: pinterest


18. And I mean LOTS of trouble…

Original Source: pinterest



19. There’s nothing better than having a happy American Bully by your side.

Source: tumblr



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