1. Fact: There is no dog sweeter than a Golden Retriever.


2. Golden Retrievers make friends with anyone with zero discrimination.



3. Your Golden has the super power of always being happy, upbeat and appreciative.



4. The most adorable puppies are Golden Retriever puppies.


5. The concept that Golden Retrievers retrieve things is obviously cliché – but let’s not forget how much they love it.


A video posted by @tamatamago on


6. Your Golden Retriever will let you know she’s bored… in her own special way.



7. Sometimes your Golden friend does questionable things and it’s chalked up to her quirky personality.


A photo posted by @jai_rc on


8. You will never find a more loyal, loving companion than your Golden Retriever.



9. There will never be a day that your Golden Retriever doesn’t want to hang out with you and be best friends.



10. You’re able to make a replica of your Golden Retriever… and frequently mini golden hair balls tumble across your floor.


A photo posted by @ruzus928 on


11. The patience your Golden shows you is irreplaceable.


A photo posted by Erik Miller (@ebmmiller) on


12. Like every dog your Golden needs water – more than likely… she also wants nothing more than to play in it.



13. Golden Retrievers bring Puppy Dog Eyes to a new level.




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