1. Pit Bulls love bacon as much as humans, and they always expect you to give them 1 of 5 pieces. You comply.

A photo posted by @pontiacsandpitbulls on

2. They attack… vacuum cleaners.

A video posted by Rosie Bain (@mandapickle) on

3. They want you to take the time to tuck them into bed, story and all.

A photo posted by Eric Vice (@erictuv) on

4. When they try something new with their ears and you don’t notice… they get all upset.

5. Your definition of, “there’s still room” is different than the pits of the house.

A photo posted by joshvader75 (@joshvader75) on

6. Most Pit Bulls have mastered the “feel bad for me” whine.  It’s adorable.

A video posted by @squintsthedog on

7. People are afraid of Pit Bulls, and the Pit Bull has no idea why… that sucks.

8. Especially, when some Pit Bulls are afraid of some harmless rain.

A video posted by Cindy (@cindy7000) on

9. There are days your Pit Bull will make the rules (and it’ll make you laugh).

A photo posted by AA ? (@carakol9) on

10. Tell your Pit Bull you’ll be right back, and she’ll hold you to it.

11. Tell this Pit that this isn’t his bed… Dare ya.

A photo posted by bceazy (@bceazy) on

12. There’s a good chance your Pit Bull is just a super playful, loving pup.

13. They are also amazingly determined.

A video posted by Jen (@jdelo00697) on


14. When you realize he actually doesn’t understand what you’re saying after an entire conversation…

A photo posted by taras2011 (@taras2011) on

15. It’s impossible to out-silly some Pitbulls, in fact… you probably shouldn’t even try.  They are the best!


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