1. There’s no dog pile, like a Mastiff dog pile.

A photo posted by @pawsome_pack on

2. Mastiff drool is unlike anything you’ve ever witnessed… and then they shake their head.

A photo posted by Abbie (@green.eyed.grin) on

3. Your home, chair, bed and heart all belong to your Mastiff.

4. When your friends and family complain about their animal shedding everywhere… you get to smirk. Go thank your Mastiff for being easy to groom why don’t ya.

5. You’re aware of your Mastiff’s size and he is less aware.

6. The relief that is felt when your Mastiff obviously wants to be just as lazy as you do.

A photo posted by meekation (@meekation) on

7. When the Mastiff sleeps – the household is aware of it.

8. Your Mastiff can have terrible gas, you may get used to it, but warn your guests.

9. Based on size alone, people will not mess with you when you’re with your Mastiff.

10. The reality that sometimes the best listener in your household is your Mastiff child.

11. Their build, personality and efforts; everything about your Mastiff is big.

12. Your Mastiff is your best friend, and the feeling is mutual. How does this look make you feel when you leave the house? I bet other Mastiff parents have the same experience.

13. You can’t take your Mastiff anywhere…

A photo posted by Suzanne A Barber (@sb2746) on

14. Your Mastiff might be the biggest baby in the household…

15. The only thing better than one Mastiff, is two.


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