1. You think this is cute and you don’t care what happens to the plant…

A photo posted by Uno (@uno.in.dc) on

2. Three Dog Bakery, because your American Bulldog deserves it.

A photo posted by Jacquelyn Davis (@jacqs2410) on

3. Either he gets his own… or, you’re sharing your food with him.

A photo posted by Mike Stout (@mikestoutruns) on

4. You wouldn’t even think about making him move… You’ll find room.

A photo posted by Yvette (@my3bullies) on

5. There have been custom shirts made for your American Bulldog.


7. Your french-fries are also your Bully’s french-fries.

8. When your American Bulldog looks at you like this, you actually start questioning yourself.

A photo posted by Yvette (@my3bullies) on

9. You take pictures like this with your American Bulldog

10. It was the Chihuahua. Your American Bulldog would never do something like that.

A photo posted by Lucy&Chato (@lucy_chato) on

11. You do this.

12. You know your Bully is amazing – and you make sure they know it too.

A photo posted by Sabrina. (@sabrinabergeron) on

13. It’s safe to say your American Bulldog is just one of gang.

A photo posted by tj_inspired (@tj_inspired) on


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