Basket puppies are the best puppies


Look at this. She’s so excited. How could you not be excited about how excited she is? 


You’ll fit into the boot one day lil guy

A photo posted by Kay Cefalu (@kayleecefalu) on


You wish you were this cool 


The coziest pup

A photo posted by Haole Boy (@haoleee) on


She can get the job done

A photo posted by j e s s (@jessicawoodford) on


Look at him. Already so talented.

A photo posted by Kristina (@knoslop) on


The smallest

A photo posted by @teeta_315 on


Easter Puppy > Easter Bunny

A photo posted by Justin Mckee (@centerbulls) on


You wanna chew on the yarn? That’s ok lil guy you can chew on whatever you want


Adventure pup


Who will win?? All of them because they’re all adorable.


She is one with nature


Mini Me status

A photo posted by Justin Mckee (@centerbulls) on


Cuddle puddle alert!

A photo posted by Justin Mckee (@centerbulls) on


Check it Out!