Dogs are man’s best friend but Great Danes will be your BFF.

Great Danes will always act silly to help cheer you up.


They’ll also keep your seat warm while you run to grab a snack.


Great Danes are always willing to stop for a selfie.


Danes are classy creatures, and will wear any and all accessories you get them.


Great Danes will be by your side no matter what.


They’re up for anything, even paddle-boarding!


Great Danes are always willing to share the load.


Great Danes will let you share affection, no matter how embarrassing the outcome.


They’re always down for a pick-up game.


Danes won’t steal your ice cream – no matter how bad they want it.


Great Danes are always down to snuggle.


They’re accepting of everyone.


They will climb to the top of the highest mountain.


And Great Danes will always hold your hand, no matter what.


 Check it Out!