There’s nothing quite like huge dogs snuggling together–nor is there anything like those same dogs cuddled up with a tiny pooch. In their eyes, they’re all the same.

That’s why this video of a Pomeranian and two Newfoundlands keeping each other warm is to die for. It would be one thing if this spry Pomeranian were snuggled against a single Newfoundland, but two? Luckily with the size difference there’s enough space for all to keep warm.

The video, which was posted to Rumble by user MollytheNewfie, notes: “Molly the Newfoundland is so tired she doesn’t care that she is getting squished by her much younger but bigger brother Boomer! Lady the Pomeranian is also present and enjoying the company.”

Check out the video below!

Source: Adorable snuggle party for trio of dogs by MollyTheNewfie on Rumble


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