Let’s admit it – Great Danes are the dinosaurs of dogs. They’re so big!

1. Great Danes take up ENTIRE chairs! What other dog really does that?

2. Banksy the Dane is so much bigger than Grandma!

A photo posted by nandaman (@nandaman) on

3. This photo suggests that Danes drink big cocktails.

A photo posted by Jp Ggl (@jpcabo) on

4. Great Danes are known for having floppy lips, or are they fangs…?

5. SO HUGE!!!!!!

6. Huge like T-rex huge.

A photo posted by Aiden Raymond (@r4ymundo91) on

7. This Great Dane is only a puppy, yet even an adult jersey dwarfs him.

A photo posted by @finnthebleudane on

8. Doesn’t this Dane remind you of the Longnecks in “Land Before Time?”

A photo posted by @hhardesty on

9. Not quite sure what this Dane is up to, but he’s definitely a dinosaur.

A photo posted by @ccp3939 on

10. Ollie enjoys eating grass, much like another creature from the past…

11. Great Danes also have familiar massive paws for stomping around.

A photo posted by Alex (@alex_meows) on

12. “We are not the same, I am a Martian.”

A photo posted by YUKA (@yukatonakai) on

13. Great Danes are obviously dinosaurs, just look at how tall they are!

14. Nice try Great Danes, but the secret is out.


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