14 Bull Terriers That Are Super Pumped For the Snow

Bull Terriers love the snow – they don’t have to shovel it or drive in it; they just get to frolic! Here are 14 Bull Terriers that are already totally pumped for the snow to fly.

1. This Bull Terrier has been waiting patiently for months…but he’s still excited!

2. “I’d rather be snow boarding…”

3. This Bull Terrier will play in the snow, sweater or not!

A photo posted by Aleksey Romanov (@motoromanov) on

4. “C’mon mom, I’m already wearing the ears. When can we play reindeer??”

5. This pack patiently waits for the door to open to the yard…

A photo posted by Jennie Orton (@claydogs4dogs) on

6. “FINALLY!!!!!!”

A photo posted by Michael (@mritter130) on

7. “So many sniffs under here!!”

A photo posted by Mia ?? (@miaimolkom) on

8. Horchata is already dressed and ready to get out there.

9. “Look at how fast I can move in this powdery stuff!”

10. These Bull Terrier buddies are planning their course of action.

11. Mustache has already experienced some snow this year, and he loved it!

A photo posted by Scooterz Wag3 (@scooterz_wag3) on


13. Bull Terriers simply cannot resist carrying a big stick while pouncing through the powder.

14. But what these pups love most about snow, is getting to hang out with their moms and dads by their side.


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